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##Acquisition and raise
Last edited 4 months ago

Armstrong Legal acquisition underway and raise is open for AFL holders....

Entitlement Offer

This Entitlement Offer Booklet relates to the Entitlement Offer. Under the Entitlement Offer, Eligible

Shareholders with a registered address in Australia, New Zealand or Singapore are entitled to subscribe

for 1 New Share for every 4 existing fully paid ordinary shares in the Company (Shares) held at 7.00pm

(Sydney time) on Wednesday, 6 March 2024 (Record Date), at the Offer Price of $0.15 per New Share.

The Offer Price represents a discount of:

• 13.79% to the TERP3 of $0.174 per Share; and

• 16.67% to the closing price of $0.18 per Share on 28 February 2024, being the last trading day

prior to the announcement of the Entitlement Offer.

New Shares issued under the Entitlement Offer will rank equally with Existing Shares.

The number of New Shares which you are entitled to subscribe for under the Entitlement Offer is set

out in your personalised Entitlement and Acceptance Form that will accompany this Entitlement Offer

Booklet when it is dispatched to Eligible Shareholders on Monday, 11 March 2024.

Under the Entitlement Offer, Eligible Shareholders that take up their full Entitlement may also apply for

Additional New Shares in excess of their Entitlement at the Offer Price (Shortfall Facility). Additional

New Shares will only be available under the Shortfall Facility to the extent that there are Entitlements

under the Entitlement Offer that are not taken up by Eligible Shareholders. Applications under the

Shortfall Facility will be subject to scale back if Eligible Shareholders apply for more Additional New

Shares than available under the Shortfall Facility (see Section 3.6 of this Entitlement Offer Booklet for

further information). The Directors (and their associates) are not entitled to participate in the Shortfall


The Entitlement Offer is non-renounceable and therefore your Entitlements cannot be traded on ASX

or any other exchange, nor can they be privately transferred. This means that Eligible Shareholders

who do not take up their full Entitlement will receive no value for those Entitlements and their percentage

holding in the Company will be reduced.


Entitlement Offer

Ratio 1 New Share for every 4 Shares held

Offer Price $0.15 per New Share

Size Approximately 19.7 million New Shares

Gross proceeds Approximately $2.95 million


Event Date

Announcement of the Entitlement Offer Thursday, 29 February 2024

Record Date for Entitlement Offer 7.00pm (Sydney time) on Wednesday,

6 March 2024

Despatch of Entitlement Offer Booklets and Entitlement and

Acceptance Forms to Eligible Shareholders

Entitlement Offer opens

Monday, 11 March 2024

Entitlement Offer closes (Closing Date) 5.00pm (Sydney time) on Thursday, 21

March 2024

Settlement of Entitlement Offer Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Allotment of New Shares (Issue Date) Tuesday, 26 March 2024

New Shares issued under the Entitlement Offer commence

trading on ASX on a normal settlement basis

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Despatch of holding statements in respect of New Shares

issued under the Entitlement Offer

Thursday, 28 March 2024

HELD (but not on Straw)