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#Bear Case
Added 2 years ago

My conviction ran out and I sold out a while ago. Have continued to follow to see if my 3-6months patience was too short but, alas the famous Hollywood line from Jerry Maguire seems to be most appropriate “show me the money”!

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#Board members high conviction
Last edited 2 years ago

Do they know something? 3 X non exec Directors (Board Members) loading up on the positons

Found this Company Yesterday purerly of the commsec heat map having a big day +50% for the day. Sparked my interest so looked further into the company and found :

Top of $2.05 ish back on 12th March 21

Technically speaking I beleive its roughly at its bottom. After yesterdays big jump, its now at 0.33 with what seems to be a high conviction from the boards memebers buying in. I beleive it will now drop back to test the 0.26 to 0.24 mark and from there time / charts will tell.

3 X non exec Directors (Board Members) loading up on the positons

Michael Melby - adding 25% from 3m to 4m shares Edward Greissing - from Nil to 700k of Options

Nicholas Prosser - adding 1m from 5.5m to 6m shares

Also foud a recent (Feb2022) institutional purchase by The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (BNYMC) increasing its position from 19.7m to 24m then back down to 22.7m roughly week later (Obvious short term play, they lost) now holding 13.6% votes.

Ill leave the valuation to someone else as Im still learning there. It does have a Debt to Equity of 117% according to Commsec so obviously its a risky play however wouldnt surprise me if the market has hit it hard as that seems to be the case for most growth stock currently.

Will I buy it? maybe just for a spin of the roulette wheel with couple of coins. I will give the Balance Sheet and P&L a look over to confirm its risky and also do some background work on the company. Another fact, its also listed on the NASDAQ as well as ASX

Play safe, the sands wet.

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#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

"Successful" dual listing on the NASDAQ over night has raised $10.5M and seen the share price on the ASX drop 20% on opening this morning. "successful" for someone somewhere I guess.

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#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

So AHI my Q1 deadline has come along and it is time for us to part ways. Alongside terrible financials there is nothing of substance in this quarters update that you tried to sneak past me in the late hours last Friday evening.

Decreasing cash receipts, increasing expenses, more forecasts of impending revenue.

Looking back there has been warning signs clearly on the road along the whole journey, which I took a passing glance at and gave a shrug of my shoulders and said she’ll be right there’s sunshine around the corner because there was always the next release of upcoming 1,000,000 user agreements to take your mind off the issues.

I really hope for continuing shareholders that there is some upcoming success with the NASDAQ listing and the Tinjoy deal, however for me until a deal lands that actually generates revenue, I can’t continue to justify holding at P/S of >100 times and it appears that the market has a similar sentiment with a 20% drop in the share price this week.

I’ve managed to escape with a mild loss, however I can add it to the list of lessons I’ve learnt on my investing journey.

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#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

Another red flag announcement from AHI released after the bell on Friday afternoon. The NexusVita deal that was first announced in October 2020, delayed multiple times, and most recently targeted for September launch is still in limbo. The tone of the announcement implies that much of the work carried out by NexusVita has resulted in a less than optimal platform and AHI would like to iron out some of the wrinkles prior to release. 

An initial payment of USD$50,000 has been received for the integration, which should provide some minor improvement to Q1 revenue and it is positive to see AHI working to maintain a deal for a guaranteed revenue stream. What is interesting is that the F-1 filing on the Nasdaq states that this payment was going to be USD$100,000, with the remaining paid in the following 30 Days. The ASX announcement on Friday doesn’t state the amount of the second payment due in October.

What I think is the biggest concern from this announcement is that it significantly reduces the confidence level of Nexus Vita actually delivering a service where they can continue to maintain payments to AHI.

So where would that put AHI’s revenue sources at? Back to the F-1 registration statement to the current agreements list


Generating Revenue:


Bearn (Repayment of $500,000 marketing loan due & App delayed to Mid October launch) Biomorphik


BodyCompositionTechnology (BCT): 54% Ownership

Combined sales of $165,000 for Q4FY21, none of these apps have really taken off yet.


Not Generating Revenue Yet:

Tinjoy (First revenue expected Q2FY22)


Jayex (formal agreement scheduled to be finalised September)



MVMNT (McGregor Fast App launched January - Not Integrated)

Boditrax (No formal agreement) 

JanaCare (No agreement) 

Inter-Psy (No Agreement)

Cubert (No Agreement - Target December) 

BizBaz (No Agreement - Target December)

There are still a few other potential irons in the fire, however, the Tinjoy appears to be the only one that looks like it’s going to be ready anytime soon, so there is a lot riding on the next few months.

Held IRL for now.

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#Preliminary Final Report
Added 3 years ago

Skipping over the headline announcements to look for some more details which might indicate a bit of a light at the end of the tunnel for AHI. TLDR. I didn’t find much.


First thing to note is that the DermaScan application will only be demonstrable this financial year and only able to be used in jurisdictions where medical approvals are in place. Which with my limited experience owning some biotechs means that any commercial implementation of this could be still awhile away.


Primary Revenue was listed at $14,528.00. So it appears that no revenue has been generated from the operational apps and all substantial revenue is through the joint venture partner Body Composition Technologies. My first impressions on this is the price point for use, typically asking for several dollars per scan or for monthly use. Which for a one time / quick use is significantly overpriced from my point of view, particularly when the basic integrations take simple measurements without any further analytics.


No updates were provided on the Mcgregor Fast integration which has been launched since early in the year. @NewbieHK mentioned that there were updates on this in the shareholder call, so I may need to dig a little deeper on that particular deal.


Currently it seems AHI are desperately relying on the income from the Nexus Vita and Tinjoy deals. The problem with this is the Nexus Vita launch has been delayed multiple times, recently announced as an August release which was missed again. The WinScan launch was announced for July, then delayed until August and has also been pushed further, however there are some promising numbers that have been announced with the pre-registration. However without an app launch there is no cash.


Other targets announced for August were the launch of the Bearn Integrated application launch (also previously delayed) and the conclusion of the formal agreements with Inter-Psy. There has been no update on these so it appears both these targets have been missed as well.


AHI are definitely heavy on the shareholder engagement, however if 50% of your announcements are announcements about missing a previous announcement, perhaps management should pull back a bit and learn a lesson from the old adage of under promise and over deliver. The FY21 report further reinforces my Q1 deadline for AHI to actually book some revenue otherwise this one is done for me.


Disclosure: Held

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#Price Pop!
Added 3 years ago

Ha Ha Ha...just like i did with MAF the other day missed my timing by 1d even though I set a buy at 1.20 above yesterdays closing price of 1.15 after getting caught out with MAF I still missed the AHI pop to 1.30 (11.5%). Good on those who got on I might need to raise my price as my conviction on this is strong and I feel that if that initial 5m Tinjoy revenue comes through soon as is expected then, I think a 1.30 entry price will not hang around very long. Next time I might buy before posting a straw ;)

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#Board Intro and Update
Added 3 years ago

Advanced Human Imaging held a Shareholder's Call yesterday and introduced the new board which seems extremely well credentialled. In fact the board I felt was quite impressive for what is effectively still a start up (pre-revenue). The tech is exciting and its extensive aplications acros, health, medical and insurance industry make this a potential rocketship.

Although, there have been delays due to various reasons including covid management were genuinely excited by whats coming up in the next 6months. Updates on FAST, Tinjoy, NASDAQ listing were provided.

If they can execute on one or a few of their partnerships then this could get quite exciting. I hold a starter position in my personal portfolio and will consider topping up. In the meantime I have a buy in on strawman.


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#Quarterly Review
Added 3 years ago

AHI has been a story stock for me from the start, and it feels like we are coming up to a fork in the road. The story so far has been a series of big announcements and partnerships which either have been delayed or failed to deliver anything substantial.

Cash receipts for the quarter were at $165k, down from $654k the prior year. (This has been announced as in increase on an adjusted basis.) Cash outflow remained steady, if accounting for costs of the elusive NASDAQ listing, however with only enough cash for 2 quarters left, AHI need to get some runs on the board or come back to the market hat in hand.

Enter the TinJoy deal, which is scheduled to launch mid-August (delayed), with $5.2 million worth of pre-registrations to date. If this application launch can be executed and continue to grow toward the CY21 target of 1,000,000 users, then this will lay a solid foundation for AHI to continue to develop and build on the CompleteScan platform. The reason I say if, is that this is not the first time there have been forecasts of rivers of cash.

With a current market cap of $157.45 million and receipts from customers of $1.414 million for FY21, growth is very much priced in at this point and the clock is ticking. I will continue to hold, however will consider the thesis on this company broken if there hasn’t been some good news by the end of Q1FY22.


Disclosure: Held

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#Signs Agreement 26/4/21
Added 3 years ago

AHI signs Marketing agreement in Preparation for Tinjoy WinScan App Launch in China.


  •  AHI will fund a total of USD$200,000, over 3 tranches.
  •  WinScan targeting July launch of the integrated solution.
  • Tinjoy is servicing over 28,000,000 monthly consumers digitally and in person.
  •  Tinjoy has a 500 person call centre in Nanning growing to 1,000 in the coming months.
  •  Tinjoy are currently training call centre staff to specifically sell the CompleteScan integration.
  •  The call centre will play a significant role in the Initial user target agreed at 1,000,000 monthly active users.

DISC: I Hold

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#AHI Integration launch
Added 3 years ago

21/4/21 TRUCONNECT to launch AHI integration to over 150 million potential users in weekend blitz.


  •  36-hour world-wide free body scan weekend commencing midnight UK time Saturday the 8th of May.
  •  Apple soft launch now live, and Google store soft launch scheduled the week commencing 26th April 2021, pending Google store review / approval.
  • -TRUCONNECT has an audience of over 150 million people through their global partners such as Huawei, Amanda Cerny, MMA Superstar Georges Saint Pierre and Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez.
  •  A marketing campaign will run in conjunction with the 36-hour world-wide free scan weekend to drive TRUCONNECT users to purchase 30-day unlimited body scan subscriptions.
  •  Definitive Agreements concluded / executed with The Original Fit Factory (TOFF).

DISC: I hold

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#2 x Announcements19/4/21
Last edited 3 years ago

After being in a Trading Halt since 31/3/21, AHI (formerly MYQ : MyFizIQ) has announced 2 x announcements...

1. Advanced Human Imaging concludes formal agreements and due diligence with Triage Technologies to progress DermaScan. (attached)


  •  AHI has concluded all required due diligence required under the Binding term sheet.
  •  AHI has now executed all formal agreements with Triage Technologies.
  •  AHI to implement Triage’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) “health assistant” technology within the CompleteScan SaaS offering.
  •  Triage AI technology platform can currently identify 588 skin conditions in 133 major categories via smartphone and is currently available in 200 countries around the world.
  •  The Triage AI platform has been used over 600,000 times since launch in late 2019.
  •  Advanced Human Imaging will also take a strategic equity stake in Triage.


2.Advanced Human Imaging signs Letter of Intent for the proposed acquisition of Israeli based Physimax


  •  Physimax has developed Advanced Musculoskeletal Assessment Artificial Intelligence.
  •  Musculoskeletal conditions affect 1.71 billion people worldwide.
  •  Musculoskeletal disorders such as lower back pain cause the highest burden on healthcare systems with a prevalence of 568 million people worldwide.
  •  Musculoskeletal conditions are the leading contributor to disability worldwide, causing disability in 160 countries.
  • Musculoskeletal conditions significantly limit mobility and dexterity, leading to early retirement from work, lower levels of well-being and reduced ability to participate in society.
  •  Due to population increases and ageing, the number of people with musculoskeletal conditions is rapidly increasing.
  •  The disability associated with musculoskeletal conditions has been increasing and is projected to continue to increase in the next decade.
  •  $16 billion lost annually from Australian GDP due to Musculoskeletal conditions.
  •  Physimax is chosen by clinicians, elite sports teams, and the US Military.

These 2 notices lift the Trading Halt

DISC: I hold

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#Signs Binding Term Sheet 18/2/
Added 3 years ago


  •  Tinjoy owns multiple brands across China.
  •  Tinjoy is servicing over 28,000,000 monthly consumers.
  •  Tinjoy directly owns and services 650 Dongchen pharmacies across China.
  •  Dongchen services 3,500,000 monthly repeat customers.
  •  Tinjoy Biotech supplements are distributed to 1,000,000 monthly customers.
  •  Tinjoy directly addresses more than 22,500,000 monthly corporate clients throughout China’s financial industry.
  •  Tinjoy has a 500 person call centre in Nanning growing to 1,000 in the coming months.
  •  The call centre will play a significant role in the Initial user target agreed at 1,000,000 monthly active users.
  • DISC~ I hold

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Added 3 years ago


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Added 3 years ago

Is CEO Vlado Bosanac still being pursed by ATO for $9.34m tax debt?

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#1/4ly update & 4c 29/1/21
Added 3 years ago


• Cash received from customers increases to $456k, which represents a 986% improvement on last year.

• $6.692 million received in cash flows from financing activities, $456k received from customers and $797k received by way of government grants and taxes. In total, $7.945 million received during the current quarter.

• Cash expenditure increased from $1,332k last year to $2,071k in the current quarter. However, after adjusting for once-off items, cash expenditure reduces to $1,372k, which represents a 3% increase in spend on last year on a like-for-like basis.

• Net cash used for the quarter, after adjusting for once-off items, net cash used in operating activities reduces to $148k, which represents a 76% improvement on last year on a like-for-like basis.

• The Biomorphik application successfully launched on 5 January 2021, with a number of other product launches expected from our partners in 2021.

• The Company agreed terms with Triage Technologies Inc. to implement their AI “health assistant” technology within MyFiziq’s CompleteScan SaaS offering, with the Company now developing a revolutionary multi-scan solution.

• MyFiziq’s multi-scan solution comprises BodyScan, FaceScan and DermaScan to be implemented shortly, all accessible and contained on a single platform.

DISC: I hold

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#ASX Announcement 22/1/21
Added 3 years ago

Bearn / MyFiziq enter Joint Marketing and Expansion Funding to Target 1,000,000-monthly users


• Bearn Application expanding volume capability.

• Bearn has over 56,000,000 users pre-registered for the combined application.

• Bearn will increase platform capacity to allow mass onboarding.

• MyFiziq to loan US$500,000 to Bearn over 4 months for marketing and expansion.

• Bearn to use funding to improve platform capabilities and then marketing expenditure to target signing 1,000,000 active monthly users to the MyFiziq platform.

DISC: I hold

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Valuation of $2.10
Added 4 years ago
Attempt at valuing MyFiziq. From the latest investor presentation the current commercial network is 4,710,000 target users, with costs per user/month ranging from US $1.30 to US $3.50. Assuming a 10% penetration of users on third party apps and assuming their B2C app Biomorphik reaches the 1 year goal of 100,000 users @ US $3.50 per month I calculate annual revenue to be $18M AUD. This puts the current EV/S ratio at 9. Not super expensive for a fast growing, highly scalable product. Looking further out I have attempted a valuation for the next 3 years. Assuming 30% CAGR in target users and average cost per month of US $2.50, and a EV/S of 5 this gives an EV of 200M (AUD), correcting back by 10% p.a. gives a share price of $2.10. Note I am a complete newbie at valuing companies and there is a huge range of outcomes for this company. Their next set of numbers should be very interesting!
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Valuation of $0.400
Added 5 years ago
High Risk speculative investment. Purchased an initial trading parcel with no intent to hold long term. Today's announcement has provided positive sentiment and therefore hopefully represents an opportunity. The following is an extract from today's release: Binding Term Sheet signed with Boditrax UK to create and launch an integrated health application Highlights • Binding term sheet signed with Boditrax Technologies Ltd, a UK based designer and manufacturer of cloud hosted, digital health solutions. • Boditrax currently has 6,000,000+ users globally and will be initiating a marketing campaign to target an initial 600,000 users for the new platform within 12 months of launch. • MyFiziq’s technology will be integrated into the Boditrax platform, to create a more granular health and fitness tracking experience. • MYQ will receive US$2.50 per user, per month, on a sliding pricing model. MyFiziq Limited (ASX: MYQ) (“MyFiziq” or the “Company”) is delighted to announce it has signed a binding term sheet with Boditrax Technologies Ltd (Boditrax), to integrate its technology within the Boditrax platform and their new consumer facing mobile application (App). Boditrax, is an innovative British company that creates digital solutions for the health, fitness and wellness sectors internationally. Boditrax solutions are medical grade devices to give operators a clinically validated understanding of each client's body composition, mental well-being, health goals and progress. Boditrax technology is renowned for its accuracy and is chosen and trusted by leading hospitals, universities, corporations, formula one, premier league football and other elite sports teams. Clients include the National Health Service NHS (England), HM Government, BBC, Sky, Rolls-Royce, Renault, Cadbury, Kellogg’s. Body Worlds, and the David Lloyd, Virgin Active, Fitness First and Pure Gym Health Clubs. Under the terms of the agreement the parties enter into a definitive agreement within 60 days of the binding term sheet unless extended by mutual agreement. The agreement is subject to standard termination provisions. The intention is to integrate MyFiziq’s revolutionary technology into the Boditrax application and Boditrax is targeting a first collaboration/release in Q4 2019. The product’s launch will be accompanied by a campaign informing the current 6,000,000+ Boditrax users to drive an initial target of 600,000 subscribers/downloads within the first 12 months The upgraded platform will enable users to track changes in their body dimension in the privacy of their own home by using the MyFiziq technology, in addition to on-site Boditrax scans and other integrations, to deliver a truly comprehensive portfolio of personal health information. MyFiziq will receive an initial US$2.50 per user, per month from Boditrax, based on a 12-month subscription. Boditrax is focused on expanding its current client base (already the world’s largest and fastest growing body composition database) to 10,000,000 active users over the next 12 months. Boditrax current roll outs and trials with operators and organisations have the scale to deliver this increase in users / population and the quantum of this data will provide fascinating insights into the changing human population.
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