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Last edited 2 years ago
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Added 2 years ago

I just want you all to know that I read the phase 2 study report and found it really interesting. So interesting in fact that I spent all bloody day tapping out some analysis on it on the side whilst at work.

I went to post it... but my hot spot had dropped out.... end result. I lost what was arguably my best write up ever.

So here is a condensed summary.

Anxiety is very prevalent, their new drug showed some efficacy in helping people with anxiety perform in anxiety inducing tasks. They measured this success using 'SUDS', however the aim of the study was partly to evaluate whether using SUDS is the best way to measure the effectiveness of this drug.

It did not meet the endpoint, yet combined data did show some interesting results and moving forward this is how they are going to measure the outcomes for the phase 3. The cynic in me think are they measuring in this manner to massage the results, or is that genuinely a better way to measure.

In summary. I found the study to be a really interesting read, well constructed, repeatable and well presented.

I am in no rush to buy, in fact I cant even recall why I signed up for the notifications on the company in the first place, but I will be following more closely now. I will also be paying better attending to my hotspot connectivity.

Shoot me.