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#ASX Announcements
Last edited 4 years ago

More Massive Sulfide hits
Results out in a couple of weeks

For those that need to get up to speed with the Blackstone story:

Held some at 14c and bought the cap raise. One of my high conviction holds.

Think the share price is being held down due to project being outside of Australia (ie: Vietnam). Seems any project in Australia attracts a premium!

#Business Model/Strategy
Added 4 years ago

Scoping Study presentation:

The stock got sold down as only Ban Phuc was included in the scoping study with King Cobra being left out due to time constraints.

So the selldown might be an overreaction.

#ASX Announcements
Added 4 years ago

Trading halt

Pending results from scoping study of their Nickel Sulphide project in Vietnam that will be released tomorrow.

New shares from the fully subscribed capital raise also hits the market tomorrow

I put an order in for BSX here, may need to raise it depending on the results so it can be included in my portfolio.

#I hold BSX and also participated in the capital raise. One of my better spec play punts