Company Report
Last edited 9 months ago
PerformanceCommunity EngagementCommunity Endorsement
Performance (53m)
-4.0% pa
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Added 9 months ago

Not surprised that this company has catapulted up the strawman rankings since the meeting with Will Lopes last week. And the share price is following.

#Bull Case
Added 9 months ago

Catapult referred to the same “rule of 40” in their recent presentation as Xero. Cash flow much better last update, but not much left in the bank. Interesting that their web traffic is steadily increasing. I assume they have real time data access through their website but would be interested in hearing from anyone who has used their platform. Seems like something that would be fairly sticky once it becomes popular. Bought some based on the above recently IRL. e874963c2da859a658a2da09b9150146dad7f7.jpeg