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Last edited 2 years ago
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#Aquisition & a Divestment
Added 2 years ago

COG is Australia’s largest asset financing and aggregation group with an estimated 21% market share of broker originated asset finance lending. COG has two main lines of business: finance broking and aggregation to SME’s; and funds management and lending. This creates a truly diversified financial services business.


Holders are sceptical .. risk off at $1.29


#2022 AGM CEO Presentation
Added 2 years ago

COGs Idea of Australian electricity grid to renewables towards 2030. Seize the Day sort of stuff.

25th Nov. Andrew Bennett Chief Executive Officer:






#Cancellation of Options for Co
Added 2 years ago

(a) the Management Options have created a material tax liability for the holder, Mr Bennett;

The full spiel here: 2924-02601055-2A1415042 (

Interesting reading .. minimising the tax liability

Resolutions Cancellation of Options for Consideration Resolution 1 – Cancellation of Options for Consideration Background On 23 December 2020, the Company issued 418,410 (4,184,100 on a pre-consolidation basis, with the consolidation occurring on 7 July 2021) unlisted Options to Mr Andrew Bennett, CEO of the Company pursuant to the terms of his services agreement (Management Options).

The Management Options are each exercisable at $0.48863 per Management Option ($0.048863 on a pre-consolidation basis, with the consolidation occurring on 7 July 2021) and expire on the earlier of 3 months after Mr Bennett’s cessation of employment and 5.00pm AEST 30 June 2023.

The purpose for the cancellation of the options for consideration is:

(a) the Management Options have created a material tax liability for the holder, Mr Bennett;

(b) Mr Bennett is entitled to exercise the Management Options into shares, with a resultant outcome requiring Mr Bennett to sell a substantial portion of those shares to cover the tax liability; and

(c) It was considered by the Board, and agreed with Mr Bennett, that the cancellation for consideration would be in the best interest of shareholders, as a similar net value would be realised by Mr Bennett, allowing the tax liability to be paid, without the need to sell on-market the shares to realise the consideration.

#FY 2022 Dividend Business day
Added 3 years ago

(b) COG must amend their corporate action, specifically the Record Date, to fall on a valid Business Day in accordance with ASX timetable requirements.


#Macquarie Emerging Leader Foru
Last edited 3 years ago

Small cap ASX share to grow its dividend by 295%. The dividend payout ratio was 62%

COG Financial Services Limited (ASX: COG) is Australia’s leading finance broker aggregator and equipment leasing business for ** small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

COG has two complementary business divisions, Finance Broker & Aggregation and Lending. The former provides aggregation services to independent brokers and brokers in which COG has invested in, representing over A$4.5bn per annum of Net Asset Finance (NAF). The latter provides originations of new chattel mortgage product.

Noted: COG MC: $257Mill

Debt / Equity ok

Growing ROE, and EPS.

Gross Dividend Yield 10% , Franking 100% , Ex dividend circa 22/9/2022

so could be a steady stock here..

Going by this slide Brokers generating the Banks loans assets ( **thats small to medium enterprises lease )


