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#ASX Announcements
Last edited 3 years ago

Response to ASX Price Query and Drilling

Perhaps one of the most neglected explorers with the most potential I have ever known with ground near Julimar, Cowal and Uranium in the Alligator province of NT plus Tim Goyder on the board but am still waiting for them to deliver.

So I would dare mention this is one of Tim Goyder's disappointments after the success with Chalice and Liontown Resources. Just goes to show that having one notable person on the board doesn't always guarantee company success.

However, today, for some reason, the price spiked to 30% earning them a price query from the ASX.

Company response was the news they were drilling for uranium in the NT as announced yesterday:

Drilling Commences on High-Grade Uranium Targets at Nabarlek - 13 July 2022


Still hoping but patience wearing thin


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Added 3 years ago

All three directors bought on market recently.

Meanwhile I've been DEV holder since June 2020, still waiting for something similar to what happened with CHN

Think the next bit of news is drilling results at Nangus Road, Junee. Given the directors bought on market, am hoping this is a positive sign compared to last time when drill results were a bit underwhelming.

More info here:


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Valuation of $0.290
Added 4 years ago
Announcement 26/7/21 basically no great break through. the covid -19 has restricted personnel movements. the wet weather events have hampered drilling. So commence drilling latter 1/2 of this June to Sept quarter. note Goyder interest in CHN, LTR. Could the chart break to the side or down side whom knows!
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#Bull Case
Last edited 5 years ago

Major expansion of gold anomalies ahead of imminent drilling at the Basin Creek Project, NSW

New soil anomalies indicate a large continuous gold system over +3.5km at Main Ridge Prospect


• New geochemical sampling has further enhanced the prospectivity of the Main Ridge Gold Prospect, part of the 100%-owned Basin Creek Project in NSW.

• New soil geochemistry results indicate a large-scale, unbroken system of gold anomalies which now stretches the full +3.5km length of the Main Ridge Prospect.

• These gold anomalies are located in the same areas where strongly altered +1g/t Au rock chip results were previously recorded, reinforcing the potential for a large epithermal or high-level porphyry gold system.

• The upcoming drilling program is being expanded to test these new targets, with a Reverse Circulation and diamond drill rig scheduled to arrive next week.

• The scale of these anomalies further enhances the prospectivity of the project and demonstrates the broader gold potential of the Lachlan Fold Belt region.

-- some notes

Tim Goyder and a couple of directors has been buying recently before this announcement which is encouraging

Took a starter pack about a couple of months back when I found they had pegged ground near the Julimar project owned by Chalice. But it looks like the main game is in NSW.

I haven't had time to put an order here through strawman as it promptly rallied past my buy price.

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