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#Bull Case
Added 4 years ago

Zero Carbon High Purity Manganese for New Energy Vehicles

I see a number of are holding E25. Our group has a ~$2.00 s/p target whereas I feel the s/p is undervalued and represents a significant opportunity.

Now in production and shipping ore as well as debt free and a fairly tight register with only 148.8M shares on issues a significant LoM of ~42 years ESG friendly and aligned to the rise of EV's may I suggest those interested in this sector read their latest report.

Financial Information ASX Ticker E25 Shares on Issue 149M Share Price $1.83 (24 August 2021)

Debt Nil

Australia’s largest onshore manganese deposit.

>260 Mt of manganese ore in JORC resources1.

Reserve containing 5.22 Mt of manganese2.

100% owned by Element 25 Limited.

Located in WA, ranked #1 for mining investment3.

Ethical, proven, sustainably regulated jurisdiction.

Simple low-cost mining and processing.

No blasting or dewatering required.

Long mine life – 42 years using only 20% of the global resource, potential to improve.

Outstanding economics2

Excellent infrastructure with highway and gas pipeline in situ.