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#ASX Announcements
Added 3 months ago

An interesting Q3 update (see below)

The Adelaide asset is the smallest asset in the portfolio, but it now has a WALE of almost 8 years and was on the books at a 7.75% cap rate. I wonder if they will contemplate divesting now?

And then there is Pyrmont. The poison pill. It must be extremely close to breaching its covenants (which ECF isn't directly exposed to as it only owns 49%). Why Elanor thought buying this was a good idea beats me. Anyway, it's unclear how bad things actually are. Reuters originally occupied around 6,000 sqm. I believe that of the 4,000sqm that they aren't renewing on, a small portion of it has already been surrendered an re-leased. The rent that Reuters was paying was also well below market. If the space can be leased at a market rent, it will bode well for the valuation and long term cashflow. They've got until Feb 25 for the lease to expire so hopefully they can re-lease the space without much downtime.


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Valuation of $0.820
Added 9 months ago

Oct 23:

Both divestments have fallen over which won't impact my long term forecast for cashflow too much however gearing is somewhat of a concern. That being said, the passing yield of most assets in the fund should be above the marginal cost of debt, so WALE and occupant is worth keeping a really close eye on. If the assets keep performing ok, there's plenty of yield to compensate for the risk.

Sep 23:

I've done some investigation post the FY23 results and think the below still looks pretty good. There are a few things worth pointing out:

1) The Harris Street Investment has been a disaster, they've taken an absolute bath and are getting close to the LVR covenant (65%).


2) FFO is such a deceptive indicator of what the underlying cashflows of the fund are. Completely ignoring capex ($8 mil) and rent free incentives ($4 mil) means distributions will always be well under FFO. Even with the target 85% payout ratio, I think ECF has had to top up this year distribution with some debt. The cashflow statement sums it up:


Capex has been $8mil for two years running, but I expect this to roll off somewhat in FY24. I also expect rent free incentives to roll off as well, so maybe the 85% payout is achievable going forward.

3) If the two recently announced divestments proceed, the fund will be significantly de-risked from a leverage standpoint, but something will need to be done about Harris Street to make sure no covenants are breached.

I've done some analysis and come up with a distribution figure that I think would be sustainable once interest expenses normalise to current market levels. Somewhere around $0.07 per unit is doable. On this basis I think somewhere around $0.80- $0.85 is fair value.

May 23:

Recent update was encouraging, the announcement of a big lease renewal with a government tenant is a good outcome. Directors have also bought on market.

Depending on how much of the FFO/Distribution gap is made up of genuine capex and up front lease incentives, there is a possibility that the yield at current prices could still be around 10% on a forward looking basis.

Despite this, my concerns mentioned below still exist. Going to value on an estimated 9% FY24 Distribution yield of $0.082 p/s.

March 23:

It's very hard to see where earnings will sit in 2-3 years time. Interest expense is going to increase dramatically unless the RBA decreases rates significantly.

It's also hard to ascertain what % of FFO is going to be eaten up by incentives and capex. ECF's reporting doesn't really give much insight into this.

Given I have low confidence in my ability to forecast future distributions, I'm happy to sit out for now and see what new information comes to market.

10% yield today could easily become 5-6% once hedging roles off.

Gearing of 37% today can easily become >55% if the market deteriorates (and I'm pretty sure their covenant is 45%).

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