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#Bull Case
Added 3 years ago

Hey @PeregrineCapital

I have always thought why would most of these Aussie based funds have an edge in large liquid International markets? There are some smart managers amongst them so my conclusion is they would have somewhere between no edge and a very small one. So going forward I would expect them to match their index after the 1% fee with less volatility.

(In hind sight you could have been in an index and donated 1% but going forward I don't think that will do better)

IMO The product is solid and becomes attractive at a 'big discount' to NTA, but I see little reason to hold it at NTA and certainly not at a premium.

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#Bear Case
Added 3 years ago

I've been a long term passive holder in real life and I really like how management fees are foregone to donate to mental health charities.

What's quite amazing is how poorly this collection of fund managers are doing in comparison to the benchmark. Worse yet, underperformance has been apparent in both up and down markets.

Maybe I should have stuck my money in an index fund and donated 1% of the balance to charity each year?



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Valuation of $1.710
Added 4 years ago
Latest update will be at the bottom. April 30th 2019 pre-tax (before tax) NTA of FGG was $1.38. Update: 24-Nov-2019: FGG's October 31st (2019) BT NTA (ex-div) was $1.4047, so around $1.405, being 2.5 cents higher than 6 months ago, so I've updated my valuation here to reflect that. I'll try to do an update every 6 months when Strawman.Com flags that my valuation is stale.. 25-May-2020: FGG's April 30 (2020) BT NTA is $1.4262, a couple of cents higher than six months ago. FGG's SP on April 30 was $1.125, being a 21.1% NTA discount. They are trading at around $1.14 today, so the discount is still around 20% or above - assuming their NTA hasn't gone lower during May. These looks like attractive levels to top up or enter FGG. If you use Commsec, they will give you a full rebate of the brokerage fees on any purchases you make of FGG or FGX shares, so you can buy them brokerage free also (through Commsec). I support the concept, but I currently don't hold any FGG shares. I'm looking at getting back in however. I currently hold FGX, MGG and MHH shares for my children. That's money they have saved up and asked me to invest for them. I wanted to give them some diverse exposure and those funds provide that. Originally it was just FGX for ASX exposure and MGG (the Magellan Global Trust) for global exposure, but we got offered the opportunity to participate in the IPO for MHH (the Magellan High Conviction Trust), which made sense, particularly because of the loyalty/bonus shares that Hamish included in the offer. It was a no-brainer actually. At this point I am recommending to my kids that they just keep increasing their exposure to their existing investments - but I'm looking at getting back into FGG for myself now. 21-Nov-2020: Update: FGG's NTA after tax but before tax on unrealised gains was $1.5467 as at October 31st, 2020, which is what I'm using. That is their ex-div NTA for the 2cps dividend that they paid on October 23rd. As you will see on their share price (SP) graph, they've nearly obliterated that NTA discount (in their SP), however they're also performing well - finally!! Their share price has been on a steady north-east trajectory since their Covid-19-induced March low point. They've also eclipsed their 2019 highs, and are making new highs. In fact they closed yesterday at $1.47, an all-time high SP for them. That's really a reflection of their underlying performance, which has been positive. While $1.47 is still below their October 31 NTA, it's not far below, and their NTA would almost certainly have improved in the past 3 weeks (since October 31). They look fully valued to me at this level, but I wouldn't be buying into FGG as a value play - I'd be buying in to get exposure to global shares via a fund of funds that includes some of the best boutique fund managers available, some of which are not accepting new clients (their funds are closed to new investors). I.e. you'd be investing in FGG for capital growth. Their dividends have been increasing, but I don't think they're ever going to be an income play (a yield play) either - they're a growth company, and they're finally growing. That said, I don't hold FGG shares. I hold FGX shares (their sister fund that invests only in Australian listed companies) as part of a small portfolio of three companies that I hold for my two children. The other two in that portfolio are both listed investment trusts (LITs) that are managed by Magellan Financial Group (MFG) - being MHH & MGG - which provide our global exposure (to companies that my kids are mostly well aware of, like Microsoft, Apple, Alibaba, Tencent, Alphabet (Google) and Facebook) - while FGX provides the Australian exposure. However, for long-term holds, there would also be nothing wrong with just investing in both FGX and FGG, particularly now that both of them have a graph that is heading in exactly the right direction, at a good clip. In case I haven't already mentioned it, because of the philanthropic nature of both FG funds (donating millions of dollars to children's charities and mental health charities and not-for-profits), the vast majority of their service providers, and all of their fund managers, provide their time and services for free. And that extends to CBA's online broking service, Commsec, which will automatically rebate the brokerage fees to your account if you purchase FGX or FGG shares using Commsec, effectively enabling their customers to purchase FGX or FGG (or both) brokerage-free. For the latest FG Funds news, see here: FGG: or FGX: You can scroll down and click on "Monthly Investment Update" to access their latest monthly report. Update: 24-May-2021: FGG's 30-Apr-2021 before-tax NTA was $1.7178 and their NTA after tax but before tax on unrealised gains was $1.7165, so I'll call it $1.71. Their latest report (for the month of April 2021) can be accessed here:
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#Affluence LIC Fund #1 position
Last edited 5 years ago

28-May-2020:  I've been looking at the Affluence LIC Fund, which holds nothing but LICs (listed investment companies).  Daryl Wilson's latest "wire" on, titled "A complete guide to LIC investing" was posted on May 22nd (last week) and can be viewed by clicking here.

Currently, the Affluence LIC Fund has FGG (Future Generation Global Fund) as its largest holding, followed by Blue Sky Alternative Access Fund (BAF) which is soon to be managed by Geoff Wilson's WAM Funds, and the third largest position is FGG's sister fund, FGX, the Future Generation Australia Fund.

The L1 Long Short Fund (LSF) makes up #4 and Monash Absolute Investment Company (MA1) is the fund's 5th largest position.

The average discount to NTA across all of the LICs held in the Affluence LIC Fund has now blown out to around 22% to 23%, which is massive.  That means that at these prices, Daryl is buying $1 worth of assets at 77c to 78c. 

FGG itself closed at $1.18, but it finished April at $1.125, while its pre-tax NTA was $1.4262, so there was a 21% discount to NTA in that $1.125 SP.  Even at $1.18, that's a 17.26% discount to that April before-tax NTA of $1.4262. 

While we're used to seeing double digit NTA discounts across many of the global and specialised LICs, those sort of discounts seem to apply to a lot more LICs these days than they have done in the past.  I highlighted recently how varied the discounts and premiums were across the various WAM Funds' LICs, with two of them (WAM & WAX) still trading at high premiums, and others trading at various discounts.  WGB (their global fund) was trading at the largest discount.

BAF, which will soon become WAM Funds' 7th managed LIC, is trading at a discount of over 30%.  Little wonder it's Daryl's second largest position in his Affluence LIC Fund. 

Disclosure:  I hold BAF, FGX, WAM, WGB, WLE, and I'm looking to buy back into FGG shortly.  I'm also looking at investing in the Affluence LIC Fund.

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#Company Presentations
Last edited 5 years ago

May 2019 Shareholder Presentation

Both FGX and FGG (together - the FG Funds, or just FG) present after the Wilson Asset Management Group presents in each of Australia's major capital cities during their Australian Roadshows every 6 months, and that link above will take you to the slideshow used in FG's latest roadshow presentation which has just finished (meaning the latest roadshow has just wound up during the past week).

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