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#Business Model/Strategy
Added 4 years ago

I just wonder out loud about how a manufacturing deal would look financially for IDT. 

Disclosure that I do have it in my straw portfolio but my immediate questions would be as follows. 

Are they going to develop their own mRNA vaccines which would be higher risk and much higher reward or are they piggybacking other companies to provide greater on shore supply? 

On the second note how would this look financially, they have a facility they are able to make fit for purpose but with vaccines being in excess of 18months+ away it sounds like the funds would be government grant to get to manufacturing point (designed to cover cost and not yeild profit) followed by manufacturing and onselling agreements. 

My personal opinion at this stage is that they have a long and expensive road ahead in competition with some big established players such as CSL who may be better equipped to both develop and manufacture NEW mRNA vaccines.

Would love to hear counter arguements to this!