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#CDC Data Centres Valuation inc
Added 3 years ago

A 15% increase in valuation of IFT’s investment in CDC.


Disc: Held in Strawman and RL

#Track Record
Added 4 years ago

Remarkable track record over nearly three decades for Infratil. A great record of capital allocation, stable management who demonstrate long term thinking and fiscal responsibility. Has just reached 100 bagger status from listing in 1994. Current asset mix looks great including the jewel in the crown Canberra Data Centres. Fast becoming one of my favourite companies. 

Disc: Held

#Infratil CFO podcast appearanc
Added 4 years ago

Infratil CFO Phillippa Harford appears on Lunch Money Podcast on June 10. Great listen for anyone interested in the company. She explains the complicated accounting that appears on the company's reports and that they plan to use half of the NZ$2bn proceeds from the sale of Tilt Renewables to pay off bank debt and the other half to reinvest in future infrastructure opportunities among other things. Well worth a listen