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#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

Some more positive news from Incannex this morning that has bumped the share price up over 13% at the time of writing. IHL-42x has shown positive results in low dose administration for the treatment of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a huge market that is currently treated by machines so a medication could be a huge game changer in how it is treated in the future. The fact that low dosages are having such a positive impact suggest this could also limit any impact in positive test results for cannabis in roadside drug tests.


• IHL-42X reduced primary endpoint apnoea hypopnea index relative to baseline at all three

doses that were assessed

• Low dose IHL-42X exhibited superior safety and efficacy metrics to mid and high doses

• Low dose IHL-42X reduced AHI by an average of 50.7% compared to baseline with 25% of

participants experiencing a reduction in the apnoea hypopnea index of greater that 80%

• Oxygen desaturation index was reduced by 59.7% relative to baseline while taking low dose

IHL-42X, improving sleep quality and reducing cardiovascular stress

• In low dose IHL-42X samples, THC concentrations in blood were well below the limits for

impaired driving the morning after dose administration

• IHL-42X was well tolerated – low dose IHL-42X was observed to have a lower number of total

treatment emergent adverse events than placebo

• Low dose IHL-42X reduced AHI substantially more effectively than is reported for the

component active pharmaceutical ingredients, dronabinol and acetazolamide, as unregistered


It will be interesting to see what this does for the share price on the NASDAQ overnight

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#Business Model/Strategy
Added 4 years ago

Interesting diagram showing the range of trials for IHL.

Had a big run up lately and starting to feature on reddit which I am not sure is a good thing.

Lots of comparisons with higher value CBD /psychedelic listings in US in the run up to NASDAQ listing

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#Business Model/Strategy
Added 4 years ago

Copied from post on HC giving positive examples of NASDAQ listing

“Investor note that was put out by Canary Capital (holders)the other day:

This morning Incannex (ASX:IHL) announced that it had submitted its registration statement to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a proposed initial public offering. We see this as a very positive step for the company for a number of reasons:

• The company will list on the Nasdaq main board under the code IXHL where the market places far higher valuations on companies involved in cannabis and psychedelic research compared to Australia.
• The company will gain exposure to a large group of investors based in North America which will lead to a dramatic increase in the number of people following the Incannex story.
• The IPO will raise a minimum of US$25m at a price to be determined which will provide sufficient funding to advance its six drug development programs for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, Traumatic Brain Injury, Inflammatory Lung Conditions (ARDS, SAARDS, Pulmonary Neutrophilia), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD).
• Incannex has selected Roth Capital Partners to be the sole book-runner to the offering and companies they have raised for have substantially increased in value following listings on the NASDAQ (Imugene – ASX:IMU raised $24.6m at 3.6 cents per share, now trading at 29 cents per share; Lake Resources- ASX:LKE raised $20.6m at $0.165 cents per share, now trading at $0.60 are a couple of examples).

The valuations of companies in the psychedelic space are multiples of IHL’s market capitalisation. Cara Therapeutics (NASDAQ:CARA) is currently conducting clinical trials using an analgesic opioid peptide called difelikefalin to treat a condition called pruritis which is an unpleasant sensation that provokes the desire to scratch. The company is capitalised at US$637 million (A$880 million) with only one program underway compared to Incannex’s A$320m current market capitalisation with 6 programs. Another comparable is Compass Pathways (NASDAQ: CMPS) which currently has one psychedelic research program underway and a market capitalisation of US$1.29B (A$ 1.78B). Jazz Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: JAZZ) acquired GW Pharmaceuticals PLC for US$7.2B after their cannabidiol medicine Epidiolex® was approved by the FDA to treat epilepsy.

We believe Roth Capital Partners considers IHL is substantially undervalued given the number of programs the company currently has targeting unmet medical needs that can be fast tracked to commercialisation with the FDA. We also have confidence the psychedelic program will draw a lot of interest from the North American market given this is a unique trial combining psilocybin with psychotherapy to treat GAD; the first of its type globally.”

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