Cracking result from Imdex as they recover from the covid period. Some highlights....
Revenue $264.4m up 11.2% on 2020 (18% constant currency basis)
EBITDA $75.5m up 38.8% on pcp
EBITDA margin was 28.5% up on 22.5% in 2020 (2h 30%) - demonstrating strong operating leverage
Strong net cash position of $47m
Div + special declared
Organic growth evident as avg products per customer grew from 2.25 to 3.25, and sensors on rent up 35% from pre-covid peak. Some headway with the new tools - 3 new joint developments signed although this is still proving a much longer process than anticipated pre covid
Outlook strong with tool hire up 6% to date and continued focus on new production tools + solution selling. Supportive operating environment as global reserves continue to diminish.
Happy holder for the long term as they continue to demonstrate decent organic growth and we wait to see the impact of the new production tools on the bottom line.