Another mining company that has a promising 1bn NPV HPA project with the lowest cost compared to peers (from the Singapore conference). They appear to have found a new way of extracting HPA from the clay beds of Lake Hope without the use of HCl, which lowers the cost of production.
I think Impact is falling into the trap of believing HPA is another open traded commodity rather than a chemical as mentioned in my Alpha HPA straw.
However it is still very early days so perhaps we give Impact the benefit of the doubt whether this new process (that does not use HCl and roasting) can scale and provide a product that is consistent and high quality.
Apart from HPA, the Arkun REE Project in WA and PGE/Base metal exploration work around Broken Hill (was selected as part of the BHP xplor program) looks interesting
16/02/2023 Investor Presentation - RIU Explorers Conference 2023
There is some diversification here into other commodities if the HPA project does not work out.
[Not held]