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#Bull Case
Added one year ago

Ill talk about it then. Its not everyday your part of something like this one however I bought in (50K) just off the double bottom on the 1D. I thought it has big potential so took the position and set up Alerts 5% below that recent D.Bottom. Double Bottom occured @ 1.48. I bought in @1.50 when it rose just above the 50 on the !D (giving it support). Stochastics, momentum and volume all pointing in the right direction as too was price action at the time. Now that jump for me was luck, timing whatever and turn out to be good news. I have these opportunities here and there however they are hard to take and usually go in with too smaller a position. I was pretty convinced over the next year it would play out well though so was willing to babysit the position and wait.

Its one of the hardest things to do, buying in the lows as who knows if you are even close to the bottom.

I have put in my posts many times before that Im a technical (charts) analyst 1st then company prospects 2nd and 3rd, fundamentals. I want to be more proficient at the fundamental however.

My big challenge to every one out there who regularly undertake valuations or are even endevouring to try, can you come up with your own valuation on this company LTR before yesterdays news with a share price at the time of say $1.40. Id like to see the different methods and why they beleive that method was the best one for coming up with the value close to the $2.50 offer by Albemarie.

Be honest if you way under or way over. It all helps us to learn from each other and also to analyse how you perform yourselves. I hope a couple if not many have a go.

Im going to give it a crack myself however I dont think I will come close to it. Its such a subjective and personal thing to do (as in we all think so differently).

Im sure Albemarie management/ board had a team of accountants on it and also some smart cookies looking over its opportunities going forward as does the LionTown management/ board who obviously think they were low balled.

Certainly says there are some big fish out there that want these kinds of companies

#Bull Case
Added 2 years ago

Has anyone mentioned this in here. Just saw this on Thursday. Came through an American investment app I subscribe too (seeking Alpha, excellent service). Part of article below. Very promising for Lion. The US is making great headwinds securing resources from AU

Ford Motor Company (NYSE:Finked a five-year deal with Australian miner Liontown Resources Ltd (OTC:LINRF) to secure 150,000 dry metric tonnes of lithium spodumene concentrate each year. The lithium spodumeme will be sourced from Liontown's flagship Kathleen Valley project in Western Australia.

Liontown Resources is expected to start supplying spodumene to Ford (F) in 2024. The company said it has secured a debt facility of A$300M from a Ford unit to further develop the Kathleen Valley project and potentially increase capacity. Notably, Liontown also has offtake deals in place with Tesla and LG Energy Solutions.