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#Company Overview
Added 4 years ago
#Financial Advisor Appointed
Added 4 years ago

26-Nov-2020:  Appointment of Financial Advisor

Minotaur Exploration Limited (ASX: MEP) is pleased to announce appointment of Argonaut as financial advisor to identify and help execute opportunities to maximise Company value, particularly from its share of the high-value Great White Kaolin project and Minotaur’s highly prospective copper and gold portfolio.

Argonaut is a leading specialist natural resources financial advisor with offices in Perth and Hong Kong and significant experience in corporate advisory and capital markets.

Commenting on the appointment of Argonaut, Minotaur’s Managing Director, Andrew Woskett;

“I look forward to working closely with Argonaut as we continue to advance and grow our attractive portfolio of assets including the world class Great White Kaolin Project. Argonaut’s long term relationship with Minotaur, depth of experience and proven capability to deliver innovative value adding financing and advisory outcomes for clients will realise shareholder value for Minotaur.”

For further information please visit

[I hold MEP shares.]

#Company Updates/Reports
Added 4 years ago

17-Nov-2020:  MEP: Progress Report   and   AVW: Avira Completes Sale of Pyramid Project

MEP are one of my preferred base metals and precious metals explorers (mostly base metals in their case), although I do not currently hold any MEP shares.  They are on my scorecard however.  As well as their 100%-owned projects, MEP are involved in a number of JVs with other companies, including OZ Minerals (OZL) and Andromeda Metals (ADN).  For more info on the ADN-MEP collaboration on the research and development of commercial applications for halloysite-kaolin nanotube material from the Poochera project in South Australia - see the following links:

Today's announcement is all about a Queensland gold project that MEP have just bought.  If you like the speculative end of the market, there's always something going on with Minotaur (MEP).  Just be aware that they never produce anything, they just discover stuff, firm up discoveries, and then sell them, and move on.  Their expertise is in finding stuff, not mining stuff.  They found Prominent Hill, which became OZL's flagship copper-silver-gold mine.  MEP have been at it a long time, and have enyoyed some success.  However, don't expect dividends from MEP because they are not producers and never will be.  Your gains with MEP, when they come, will be entirely via Capital Gains, and if you check out their graph you will see that there is money to be made in such companies if you buy near their lows and sell out (or trim your position) at much higher levels.  I've done this in the past, but I don't consider them to be trading at or near their lows now, so I'm not a current MEP shareholder.  In hindsight I did sell out too early, but that's the thing about hindsight...

#Business Model/Strategy
Added 5 years ago

01-Oct-2020:  Minotaur Exploration FAST FACTS 1 October 2020

That link will take you to a great single page overview of this base metals explorer, including where in Australia they are operating, and who their JVs (joint ventures) are with (OZL, ADN) as well MEP's 100%-owned projects.  They have had previous success (Prominent Hill), and are always busy.

#MEP acquires Au tenements
Added 5 years ago