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#ASX Announcements
Added 4 years ago

Hi PICT, loving the enthusiasm, but.......

I hope I am interpreting this wrong. When I look at the MRG thread on Hotcopper, I find a near exact reproduction of your post here. It is dificult to reconcile this with the capitalised and bold, "please keep this information on Strawman".

And if you then add another re-post of essentially the same information on Strawman within 24 hours, it's starting leave a bad taste in my mouth. 

No doubt this an unintentional result of your previously documented enthusiasm for this company, but could I please urge some caution, that it could be interpreted quite differently,and not in the spirit of the community we all hope to build here.

Best of luck with the MRG story, as a holder of ILU, I will be following closely to see how things go.