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Valuation of $1.800
Edited 2 years ago

NZME (New Zealand Media & Entertainment) own the leading radio stations and newspapers in NZ. On initial inspection, my main concern was significant stagnation in earnings growth over the past 5 years, however recent results show an increase in Net Profit (85%), Operating Revenue (9%) and EBITDA (4%), which sparked my interest. The attraction comes here in the form of digitising a base. They are in the process of trying to shift their daily readers to a subscription model for all their different brands and platforms. The current business is still undervalued on the ASX, even with its recent share price changes. This is not a business I am expecting to shoot the lights out, but the recent increase in profits, paying off of debt, and the declaration of the first dividend in 3 years, shows they are moving to a really cash positive position in the coming years, particularly if they can increase the numbers of digital subscribers.

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Added 2 years ago

NZME announced it's 2021 annual results, reporting 5% YOY revenue growth to $349.2M. Other key financials: NPAT $34.4M, EBITDA $66M, EPS increasing from 11.3c/share in 2020 to 11.9c in 2021, advertising revenue increase by 13%.

My key takeaway through was the digital transformation, increasing it's digital revenue by 37% YOY.

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