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#Approaching Cash Flow Positive
Added a month ago

I came across Qoria from listening to the “Talk to Me Money” podcast. I was impressed at the CEO (founder led) who was very bullish on its future.

Although, It has been suggested as a potential take over target I think it fits nicely into a Strawman small cap portfolio.

With the company approaching cash flow positive status and a MC of 500m it seems to be entering its de-risking period making it an interesting stock to potentially hold.

With child safety (bullying) a growing issue (concern) I took a starter position in my SM account to encourage me to do further analysis on the merits of owning this in real life.

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#Putting Growth into Perspectiv
Added 3 years ago

Look, I like the FZO story, I really do, but are we being overly enthusiastic about growth?

I think the best representative of past growth and thus some form of marker for future gorwth is the Appendix slide which appeared at the end of the AGM presentation.

Yep, handy growth but not as dazzling as the ARR graph much earlier in the preso which would suggest they are shooting the lights out. Check out the comparisons.

Certainly not suggesting it was deliberate, but might be misleading to a novice or a speed reader who simply scans.


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Valuation of $1.000
Added 4 years ago
Starting to get traction in USA 2% of market and Supported by legislation Break even in approx 12 months >100% sales growth YOY currently. I expect $30 mill ARR in 2 years and costs of $12 mill increasing to $60 mill ARR on $15mill costs in 3_4 years. Potentially an Unicorn in 4-5 years. 5 x current Mcap
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