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#Bull Case
Added 2 years ago


Strategic Elements Ltd (ASX: SOR) is pleased to provide further information on the research and development pathway for the Energy InkTM, a world-leading technology generating renewable energy from moisture.

The technology is being developed by Australian Advanced Materials Pty Ltd (AAM), a 100% owned company of Strategic Elements Ltd. Research and development indicates the Energy InkTM technology is on track to exceed the power density of solar technology due to breakthroughs in converting moisture into energy.

The Energy InkTM:

  1. currently has a peak power density of 14mW/cm2 which is equivalent to 70% of the power density of solar technology;
  2. currently has over 200x the power density of other relevant moisture electricity generation technologies published in global literature;
  3. leverages breakthroughs in the fundamental mechanisms that convert moisture to energy;
  4. integrates these breakthroughs into nanoionic inks that enable high power density. Specific timeframes to achieve development goals are:
  5. nano-engineering of discoveries in the fundamental mechanisms that convert moisture to energy into an ink formula - 6 week optimisation of the ink to produce ultra-thin cells of approx. 200 micrometres (2 pieces of paper) – a further 6 weeks;
  6. fabrication and testing of Energy InkTM cells with power density exceeding solar (>20mW per cm2) – up to a further 12 weeks.

Power density is a measure of how much power can be generated from a given space.

To date, no other relevant renewable energy technology has come close to exceeding the power density of solar technology.

Successful development would provide a strong, early indication of the technology’s potential; however, it should also be recognised that the technology is under development and still has risks.

Strategic Elements (ASX:SOR) – Pooled Development Fund The Australian Federal Government has registered Strategic Elements (SOR) as a Pooled Development Fund with a mandate to back Australian innovation.

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#Bull Case
Added 2 years ago

Still a long runway to commercialisation however I've changed my thesis from neutral to buy as a result of not only this mornings ASX release but also the number of positive price catalysts expected in the coming weeks and months.

Perth, Australia 30 March 2023: SOR Moisture Energy to Exceed Solar Power Density:

Strategic Elements Ltd (ASX: SOR) is pleased to announce that the Energy InkTM technology is on track to exceed the power density of solar technology due to technical breakthroughs in the process of converting moisture into electrical energy. 

Power density is a measure of how much power can be generated from a given space.

To date, no other relevant renewable energy technology has come close to exceeding the power density of solar technology.

Breakthroughs in moisture-to-energy conversion are being engineered into an Energy InkTM cell, designed for renewable energy generation, with a power density that exceeds solar technology Renewable Energy Power Density In renewable energy technology, power density is highly desirable because it means that more power can be generated from a given space.

In the context of solar panels, power density refers to the amount of power that can be generated per unit area of the panel.

Photovoltaic technology (solar) has the highest power density of all renewable energy sources and is the gold standard.

Exceeding the power density of solar will represent a significant global achievement for the Energy Ink TM.

Power density is also used to predict the potential power output of renewable energy systems scaled up over a larger area or volume.

Once the power density of the Energy Ink TM cell is finalised, predictions on the potential power output of a larger-scale system can be made.

This will assist the Company in communicating the significant potential larger-scale opportunity of the Energy Ink TM.

Application Focus Market entry is focused on where solar or grid energy is impractical or too expensive.

The Company is working with experts from specialised areas, such as electric vehicle charging and computing infrastructure, to identify initial applications that leverage the features of the Energy InkTM. 

The short-term development path is as follows:

1. Nano-engineering of recent discoveries into an ink formula

2. Optimisation of the ink to enable cells to be printed freestanding or onto a polymer, creating an ultra-thin layer of approx. 200 micrometres (2 pieces of paper) 

3. Fabrication and testing of Energy InkTM cells with power density exceeding solar (>20mW per cm2)

Nano-engineering and optimisation are expected to take approximately 12 weeks.

Fabrication and testing are expected to take a further 10-12 weeks.

An additional significant development in Energy InkTM cells for renewable energy is being finalised, and information will be released when appropriate. 

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#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

Almost wrote the Hashtag Bull Case however wound it back to ASX announcements not because I'm losing confidence but the the contra...I'm in fact more bullish based on this mornings release however there will be some time before they're able to commercialise the technology.

SOR Outstanding Moisture Battery Development Success

Perth, Australia – 29 December 2022. Strategic Elements Ltd (ASX: SOR) is pleased to report multiple successful developments in the Energy InkTM, a revolutionary new power source that generates electrical energy from moisture in the air.

A successful demonstration compared the power output of an Energy Ink battery, powered solely by moisture, to the baseline power consumed by a leading glucose-monitoring skin patch. The extremely thin, flexible, environmentally friendly Energy Ink battery generated over 200% more power than required.

Successful design and fabrication of programmable load simulators proved to increase the data available to the engineering team, speed up testing, and drive optimisation of the technology. Millions of data points have now been collected for use in engineering, and to form a future databank for discussions with OEM manufacturers.

Utilising data from programmable load simulators and other sources, a simple power management system was combined with Energy Ink technology for the first time. Initial testing revealed an over 500% increase in power density or power per square centimetre. A smaller device (with power management) with one-quarter of the area was able to generate over 5 times the power output of the larger device (without power management) for the exact same load. Power management systems were proven to have the potential to dramatically increase the performance of an Energy Ink power solution.

Strategic Elements Managing Director Charles Murphy said “The technology is evolving at a rapid rate.

It was a fantastic result to clearly produce more than enough power compared to a leading existing glucose monitoring patch being used by millions of people worldwide and to have the excess potential for a manufacturer to include more advanced sensing or other features.

The thinness, flexibility, printability, safety, and environmentally friendly aspects of the technology are all very attractive, however, it needs to produce enough power to be truly commercially useful. Hence, we are extremely pleased with the trajectory of the Energy Ink development” “The sudden escalation in power per square centimetre from a rudimentary, very simple power management system has provided the team with great optimism for Q1, 2023 and what could potentially be achieved through this approach”.

Skin Patch Energy Ink A demonstration was designed to measure the power output of the Energy Ink battery as compared with the baseline power consumed by a leading glucose-monitoring skin patch.

The test was designed to validate both the ability of the Energy Ink technology to power a similar glucose-monitoring device and examine how much more the Energy Ink device may be able to power. For example, there is a strong desire to incorporate more sensors and wireless technologies into skin patches, however, this has been limited by the size and capacity of the battery that can be incorporated into such small devices.

Two different cell configurations were tested together with simple power management on programmable load simulators designed to simulate the load of a leading skin patch device.

One test consisted of two 6x6cm cells and one test with two 4x4cm cells. Both tests were run continuously for one week and demonstrated a power output of 300% and 200% of the total power used by a leading skin patch device respectively.

Millions of people worldwide use these types of devices to reduce the frequency of daily finger prick blood glucose checks and better manage glucose levels. They are generally used for 7-14 days before being disposed and over 38 countries globally already provide reimbursement.

The ACC is concerned with child safety of the button/coin cell batteries used in these types of devices and in 2022 ordered manufacturers/retailers to comply with strict new Australian mandatory safety and information standards......continues

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#ASX Announcement 30/3/21
Added 4 years ago

Western Australia – March 30th 2021 - Strategic Elements Ltd (ASX:SOR) has achieved another milestone with its self-charging battery technology fabricated onto a flexible textile cloth and mechanically bent over 2000 times. Current battery technologies (alkaline, coin, lithium) are rigid and bulky and are not suitable for flexible electronics or in very small and thin devices. In early stage work the battery ink technology has shown strong potential to be highly flexible power source for electronics, capable of a very small 6 mm bending radius (e.g. smaller than average adult human finger).

Bending strain is one of the main movements that induces cracks on functional thin films leading to malfunction of flexible electronics. After 2000 bending cycles, the battery ink layer on the textile device was inspected and no visible cracks were present. Voltage output was measured for a two hour period prior to bending and for two hours after bending with minimal change in voltage occurring over the comparative periods....

DISC: I hold

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#ASX Announcement 25/3/21
Added 4 years ago

Perth, Australia, 25th March 2020 – Strategic Elements Ltd (ASX:SOR) subsidiary Stealth Technologies has successfully demonstrated the potential of its automation & robotics platform (AxV) to be leveraged for the multi-billion dollar global agriculture sector.

Work with collaborators (1) the Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative and the University of Western Australia School of Agriculture and Environment has assisted the Company to achieve early stage validation. Further optimisation and engineering leading to an expanded technology demonstration across multiple potential end user reference sites is to be conducted.

Stealth has also filed patent protection covering a weed detection device, including the arrangement of sensors on a moving vehicle platform, algorithms, methods of weed detection, and software to process crop data from a moving vehicle to estimate locations of weeds.

DISC: I hold

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#ASX Announcement 3/2/21
Added 4 years ago

SOR Turns Brain Inspired Hardware to Robotics

Strategic Elements Ltd (ASX:SOR) is pleased to report proof of concept work that highlights its printable neuromorphic technology’s1 potential for data processing and self-learning in soft robotics (e.g. touch sensing) and other signal processing applications such as computer vision applications.

Early stage results show that in the case of computer vision, the technology uses less power to operate than the human brain (less than 10 watts) and is able to use multiple resistance states with the potential capacity to process multiple points of data. The technology was successfully operated at an ultra-low level of 0.8V and in the microamps range of current.

DISC: I Hold

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