16-Dec-2020: BSA secures nbn Contract [BSA up +5.17% today]
And: SSM secures multi-year Unified Operations Agreement with NBN [SSM down -12.13% today].
Why? One up, one down? Because back in August, BSA couldn't get a guernsey, however SSM and DOW were proudly announcing 4 year contracts with 2 x 2 year extension options (same as today's announcements) with the nbn for basically all of Australia - except Tas. DOW had WA, SA & NT, while SSM had Victoria, NSW, Queensland and the ACT. BSA had been given a 1 year extension on an expiring contract, but were still trying to negotiate a longer term deal.
Today, DOW have announnced nothing, SSM have announced they have been allocated regions across Queensland, SA, NT and WA, but no mention of NSW or Victoria. BSA have announced that they have been allocated regions across NSW and Victoria.
I'm betting that the market is thinking that SSM have lost NSW and Victoria to BSA, however that's not the way I'm reading it. The contracts that DOW and SSM announced in August were both 4 year contracts with extension options beyond 4 years. It's only been 4 MONTHS. I think the key term to note here is "regions". For instance, one company could have Melbourne and Sydney, i.e. the greater metro areas of each city, while the other company could have the rest of each state, i.e. the rural areas and smaller cities.
What I'm reading is that BSA have finally managed to secure a longer term contract with nbn, but only for certain regions within 2 states. However, SSM have now signed an ADDITIONAL contract with nbn which has given them work in WA, SA & NT plus additional work in Queensland, all in addition to the nbn work they will continue to do in NSW and Vic. In fact, in today's announcement by SSM, they said:
"Following the recent signing of the Unify Networks agreement in August across a similar term, Service Stream will effectively be providing nbn with operations and maintenance support across all mainland states and territories under either the Unify Networks or Services agreements. We look forward to continuing to support nbn’s maintenance programs for many years to come."
So, they have NOT lost NSW and Vic. I do NOT currently hold SSM or BSA (having owned both previously), but I do hold DOW shares. If I was going to buy BSA or SSM, I would prefer to buy SSM at this point, as long as I could get them at a good price. I consider Service Stream to be a far superior company to BSA. I think SSM will recover today's -12% SP loss over the coming days as the market realises that this announcement by SSM was positive, not negative, and they simply have MORE nbn work now than they did before.
It's also positive for BSA of course, but the reality is that BSA have now secured ongoing nbn work (over at least the next 4 years) in two of Australia's states (albeit the two with the largest population), while SSM has contracts for the same nbn work in EVERY Australian mainland state and territory (everywhere but Tasmania). And SSM is a larger, stronger, and better run company, in my opinion.
Further Reading: https://www.itnews.com.au/news/nbn-co-signs-service-stream-downer-edi-to-new-field-services-deals-552655