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Valuation of $10.00
Added 4 months ago

The market hates this compelling ASX income play

Santos continues to trade at a valuation that implies no growth in the years ahead. Our analyst Mark Taylor thinks that is misguided.

Joseph Taylor

02 December 2024


Co-Author | 


At any time in history, there are certain stocks and sectors that are loved, and other stocks and sectors that are loathed. You don’t need to look very hard to see which area of the ASX is most hated right now.

In fact, I already made that clear in this article: it’s the energy sector. Today we’re going to take a look at an energy company that our analyst Mark Taylor thinks offers especially good value, and flesh out some of the reasons why.

First, though, a spoiler: this is not the first time I have underlined the value on offer in this share. In fact, I have highlighted it several times recently, during which time it has only continued to get cheaper.

I highlighted this company on September 20 at $7.05 per share, and again on October 15 at prices of around $7 per share. As we write, the shares have fallen to around $6.60. The company in question is Santos, Australia’s second biggest oil and gas producer.

Santos shares have drifted between $6 and $8.50 per share over the past four years and ultimately delivered a flat share price return, with dividends taking a shareholder’s total return to around 15%.

As Mark Taylor noted in his recent stock pitch, this is far behind the ASX200’s total return over the same period.

Why has Santos underperformed?

Mark Taylor sees a pretty clear reason for Santos’ underperformance in recent years: investors are concerned that the switch to renewable energy source will hit oil and gas demand. Mark, however, isn’t sure those concerns stand up to scrutiny.

I dived into some of the reasons for Mark's skepticism in an earlier article, but here is the elevator pitch:

  1. Global oil and gas demand continues to grow, fueled partly by population growth and the desire for better living standards in developing economies.

  2. In many cases, hydrocarbons cannot feasibly be replaced. Road transport vehicles look most vulnerable due to the rise of EVs, but not all use cases are as practical or cost-effective. Aircraft fuel and petrochemicals used for purposes other than fuel look especially hard to supplant.

  3. Natural gas has a particularly strong demand outlook, in part because of its potential to replace coal as a much cleaner source of back-up power.

Taken together, Taylor thinks that concerns surrounding medium-term demand for oil and gas producers like Santos may be overblown. Yet these worries appear to have weighed heavily on Santos shares, sending the company’s valuation to a multi-year low relative to earnings (shown by the blue line below).

At an Enterprise Value/EBITDA multiple of around 5 times, Taylor believes that Santos is being credited with essentially no earnings growth potential in the coming years. Even though, thanks to its Barossa and Pika growth projects, the company looks set to increase production and profits.

Taylor thinks these higher earnings could support a higher share price in the medium-term, even if markets do not award Santos a juicier multiple for delivering growth. And, of course, the shares could move even higher if investors are willing to change their view of the business.

Also looks cheap from other angles

Santos doesn’t just look cheap relative to its historic valuation multiple and its growth prospects. It also looks cheap versus peers that it has historically traded in line with – especially in the further out years, implying that markets are overlooking Santos’ growth potential.

At an enterprise value of around $15 billion, Santos also trades below what Taylor estimates it would cost to replace Santos’ gas production infrastructure alone.

Oil price assumptions offer further margin of safety

Mark’s discounted cash flow valuation for Santos relies on two main assumptions: 1) production growth thanks mainly to Santos’ new Barossa and Pika projects coming online in the near future and 2) mid-cycle Brent crude oil prices of 60 USD per barrel.

Given that Brent crude oil is currently over 70 USD per barrel and only traded below 60 USD barrel during the early days of the pandemic, this provides something of a margin of safety. Indeed, Taylor said that a mid-cyle oil price of 40 USD would be needed for him to get to Santos’ current share price.

What closes the gap?

Taylor thinks that Santos is worth $10 per share compared to recent prices of around $6.50.

While this implies plenty of potential upside from here, it is worth mentioning that Taylor recently cut this Fair Value by 20% as he assumed higher capital expenditures needed to produce each barrel of oil.

As we’ve alluded to already, Taylor is not relying on much other than earnings growth here. He expects that Santos can grow its earnings per share by an average of 13% over the next ten years, helped by the new projects coming online and potentially some share buybacks.

The combination of a strong earnings growth profile and a robust balance sheet, with net debt just over 1x annual adjusted profits, could also set the stage for healthy dividend growth. Indeed, Taylor forecasts distributions rising beyond USD 0.40 per share (0.60 AUD) from USD 0.26 in the last full year.

If Taylor is correct, this could result in a future yield on cost approaching 8% in the further out years of his forecast.

Combined with a seemingly cheap entry price, could make Santos shares an appealing option for income investors that don’t mind going against the crowd. The shares currently have a four-star Morningstar rating.

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#Q3 2022 Update
Added 2 years ago

LNG price increased 14% over prior quarter. Sales volume up 9%, revenue up 15% on prior quarter. JCC and JKM prices up over quarter. Free cashflow of $1 billion USD (47c AUD per share) over Q3.

JCC price averaged $111 USD /bboe over Q3, so LNG price likely to soften over the next 2-3 quarters.


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#LNG Crisis - Near Term Pricing
Added 3 years ago

Europe will has become the marginal buyer of LNG, driving up JKM LNG spot prices. Currently, JKM sport price for LNG is about $48 USD/ MMBtu. This is up from $23 USD/ MMBtu in June.

Santos's spot cargo sales prices are JKM-linked, which means, as a result, spot price earned on Santos's spot prices are likely to double in Q3. Now, with oil prices remaining above the JCC contract price, we can assume the contract portion will remain relatively stable. Now, 10-20% of all sales are sport price typically. If one assumes the number is 15%, the average LNG price for Q3 will be at least 11% above Q2 prices.

STO 2022 EPS is likely to exceed $1.10 per share should LNG price remain elevated. 2f9328a70e016c31535e58cf7be66793daf287.jpegtom line.

Europe will likely remain the marginal buyer for LNG through to 2023 as alternative NG supplies come online.

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#Potential sale of LNGgas expor
Added 3 years ago

0055 GMT - If Santos's sale of a 5% stake in the PNG LNG gas-export facility in Papua New Guinea fetches a price in line with investors' expectations then that would be a strong outcome, Macquarie says. Santos says it is in advanced talks with counterparties on a deal for the 5% equity interest, which Macquarie says could be worth US$1.3 billion. When combined with free cash flow, a deal would reduce Santos's gearing to 15% by the year end, Macquarie says in a note. "We cut our dividend expectations, reflecting our expectation all windfall cashflows above US$65/bbl will be paid out in form of buybacks in 2H of 2022e and 2023," says Macquarie, which rates Santos at outperform. (; @dwinningWSJ)

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#LNG Prices
Added 3 years ago

Much of their supply is delivered via long term contracts - how much opportunity is there to benefit from rising LNG prices, other than what they sell into the spot market (couple barrels). Are their contracts fixed price?

Seems fairly valued otherwise

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#LNG Prices
Added 3 years ago

Notable, Santos was receiving $13.77 USD per mmBTU for LNG last quarter. They indicating an increasing proportion of spot pricing, with 13 of 60 cargoes selling at spot prices.

For those playing along at home, attached image shows the current LNG prices against the average price Santos earned for its LNG last quarter. Santos's LNG contract prices will move towards the spot price over time, and will likely increase spot shipemnts over time to exploit the high prices.

The question is, how long will LNG prices remain this high? Well this depends on the Ukraine war, and there is a possibility this war will have a lasting impact on supply - there are no certainties in geo-political conflict, but it is one risk, I think that it is definately non-zero. I will post my thoughts on this in a separate post.


9a9ccc51797a172167060c11aa08fea0306d45.jpeg prices for JCC (Japan Customs Cleared Crude) LNG price, and JKM (Japan Korean Marker) LNG prices:

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#Q1 2022 Report
Added 3 years ago

Key Takeaways:

  1. Record revenue of $1.9 Billion USD
  2. record production of 26 mmboe.
  3. Record free cashflow of $865 M USD. That's free cashflow of $2.47 per share per annum.
  4. Debt reduced to 26% of equity.
  5. LNG revenue of $1.1 BN USD (58% of revenue).

Note: Most LNG contracts are lagging spot price. LNG sales price was $13.77 / mmBTU. this compares with the two pricing benchmarks:

a) Japan LNG (LCC) price of $18 / mmBTU.

b) JKM (Japan / Korean Marker) spot price of $25.67 / mmBTU.

There is significant upside in the LNG prices going forward, to the tune of around 20-30%, most of which will fall to the bottom line.


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#ASX Announcement 21/1/21
Added 4 years ago

Record annual production at top end of upgraded guidance

• Record annual production of 89 mmboe, 18% above the prior year and at the top end of upgraded guidance provided in December

• Record quarterly production of 25.4 mmboe, 1% above the prior quarter

• Record quarterly sales volumes of 31.1 mmboe, 7% above the prior quarter

• Record annual sales volumes of 107.1 mmboe generated annual sales revenue of US$3.4 billion

• Fourth quarter sales revenue of US$922 million, up 16%, primarily due to stronger LNG sales volumes (up 23%) and prices (up 25%)

• Santos’ disciplined operating model continues to drive costs lower, with 2020 upstream unit production costs of ~US$8/boe at the lower end of the US$8.00-8.50/boe guidance range

Strong free cash flow and low breakeven oil price

View Attachment

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#Legislative Risks
Last edited 5 years ago


Oil and Gas News

NSW Government contests CSG bill (9-June-2020)

NSW Independent Justin Field has passed a coal seam gas (CSG) moratorium bill through the NSW Legislative Council, with the support of the Labor opposition; the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party and the Australian Greens.

However, the Liberal Government, alongside the Nationals, has rushed to defeat the bill, which aims to derail Santos’ Narrabri gas project.

The bill is proposing to ban the prospecting for, or the mining of CSG in NSW, and will now go before the Legislative Assembly.

Field said it was madness to put the state’s land and water at risk when the world was quickly moving to new and exciting alternatives in renewable energy.

“We have an opportunity in this place to take a different path. For that reason I am proud to introduce a bill that will place a moratorium on coal seam gas development across the state,” Field said.

Santos achieved an approvals milestone in April with the Narrabri gas project after being referred to the Independent Planning Commission (IPC) in NSW.

The NSW Department of Planning is set to complete its assessment report on the project and provide it to the IPC for consideration, which the IPC making a decision within 12 weeks of receiving the report.

Santos has outlined that the Narrabri project has the potential to supply enough natural gas to meet up to half of the demand in NSW.

However, Field added that “we do not need this project” and “we do not need it for gas supply and it will not reduce the price of gas” during a speech to the Legislative Council.

“All it will do is impact on land, water, communities and industries. By comparison, unconventional gas is expensive gas. Unconventional gas fields are high-cost, low-yield operations in comparison with conventional gas plants that are currently delivering for our domestic needs,” Field said.

“Unconventional gas, fracked gas, coal seam gas, shale gas – whatever you want to call it – takes a lot of infrastructure and hundreds of wells.”

--- click on link above for more ---

Disclosure:  I do not hold Santos (STO) shares, but I do hold shares in other gas producers such as WPL, SXY and COE.  I believe this bill has some merit but will be defeated in the NSW Lower House (the Legislative Assembly).  I don't see this as being too damaging for Santos, but it does underline the risks associated with CSG (Coal Seam Gas) projects, especially new ones. 

While the Morrison federal government is particularly supportive of natural gas as a transitional energy source (as we transition from fossil fuels to an eventual 100% renewable energy future) because natural gas is a far less polluting option (in terms of greenhouse gas produced when gas is used to produce electricity) than coal - natural gas is produced from different sources in different ways, and CSG is always going to be a contentious issue I think. 

Those energy (oil/gas) companies that produce their gas offshore or from arid or otherwise unproductive or undesirable areas of land (well away from prime farmland and towns/cities) are far more likely to have a smoother run and encounter less opposition, so are more likely (IMHO) to prove to be superior investments within the sector, all other things being equal.  Additionally, those energy companies that do NOT need to rely on contentious extraction methods that are thought to often result in environmental damage - will also have a smoother run and will also likely prove to be superior investments (all other things being equal) - in my humble opinion.

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