Wiluna Mining Corporation is the old Blackham Resources. They got into a lot of trouble, almost went broke, have been recapitalised, and have changed their name, and their ASX ticker code.
22-6-2020: New Corporate Branding and Trading Name
23-6-2020: Further Outstanding Drill Results
01-7-2020: Company Presentation
08-7-2020: More Excellent Results at Wiluna Mining Centre
[I don't hold WMX shares, and I didn't hold BLK shares, however I do follow MLD - MACA Ltd - who are the mining contractors at Wiluna. By the way, BLK is also the NYSE ticker code for Blackrock, the largest asset management company in the world, which has nothing to do with Blackham Resources (now ASX: WMX, Wiluna Mining Corp), except they shared a ticker code.]