Yandal Resources has updated their Mineral Resources for the Flushing Meadows Prospect. Key takeways:
1) Mineral Resource increased to 174 k Oz @ 1.0 g/T cut-off (up from 147k oz of a year ago).
2) 109% increase in the higher confidnece indicated resource category.
3) From my review, 6231 metre of RC drilling, and 3769 of AC drilling undertake to verify resource increase.
Assuming drilling costs of $105/metre, the exploration cost per ounce is abotu $47 per ounce. Seems a little high, but the ore will be cheap to mine. I think a 1 g/tonne cut-off is a safe number, given mining ore costs will be about $40-50/Tonne.
Assuming 60% of the gold is mineable, and YRL can generate $1000 per mined ounce cashflow, the Resource is worth about $100 M AUD.
With Gordon's Dam the second priority for development, 7 km of RC drilling has been completed, with results pending. Follow initial high grade hits, the drilling program has been expanded. Gordons Dam maiden mineral resource estimate is due for released before the end of the year.