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#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

29 April 2021

Company Update

Investment Highlights

  • Zoono Microbe Shield tests successfully in the USA against Human Coronavirus 229E
  • New Distributors appointed / New Supply Agreements
  • Zoono presents its technology to the French SENAT in Paris
  • Microsoft partners with Zoono for its buildings and facilities
  • Fine Hygienic Paper LLC on track to meet US$7M sales over next 6 months
  • China market opening up
  • Outlook for Quarter 4 and FY21

The full announcement can be found here: 44vz5r4z1p48k1.pdf (

#ASX Announcements
Added 4 years ago

25 February 2021

Revenues of NZ$14.4m in H1FY21, up 741% on prior corresponding half-year

Global expansion continues with major deals worldwide

Half-Year Financial Highlights:

  • Total revenue of NZ$14.4m, up NZ$12.7m on the prior corresponding half-year
  • Net profit before tax of NZ$2.7m, up NZ$3.4m on the prior corresponding half-year
  • Operational cash flow of NZ$3.6m despite tax payments totalling NZ$2.5m Cash at bank of NZ$7.3m despite paying dividend/tax payments totalling NZ$7.5m
  • Cash receipts exceeded $20m in the first half
  • $7m in invoiced sales in December

Half-Year Operational Highlights:

  • COVID-19 pandemic impact of circa NZ$6 to NZ$7m on H1 FY21 sales revenues.
  • Global expansion continues with progress in all regions (EU, Americas, Asia-Pacific).
  • Zoono assumes ownership and control of US licensee.