Pinned straw:
Great work @Aaronfzr, really fascinating information on one of my pet stocks (see best performing stock forum article where I still hold my original investment purchased for ~$20/each).
Even though this is new information for me, and I align pretty much with your thinking about the longer-term impact, maybe the market is on to this as well, or maybe as I've witnessed over the years of holding $COH, this is just another blip in the upwards trend.
That said, at a current PE of ~52 and a fall in pricing from $340 to $291 over the past 3 months (see Commsec chart below), maybe the market is already (like you) on to this as a longer-term mark down.
Really appreciate the heads up as I had no prior knowledge of this information, even though it is a major holding in my RL portfolio.