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The whole add a surcharge for credit card and debit cards is something I support getting rid of as a consumer. As a business owner it was great while it lasted….
What I am truly grateful for is our government doing such a remarkable job here on the “cost of living crisis” by addressing this incredibly important driver of the “cost of living crisis” - how they say this shit with a straight face amazes me. Its in the how can we do something easy and high profile that will make no difference basket. At least its not in the “make it worse basket” like all the first homeowner brilliant ideas governments come up with
The concept of the surcharge is ridiculous and the sooner it is rolled into the cost of doing business the better. There is a considerable “cost” involved in accepting cash as you need to count it, takes longer to reconcile the days takings, needs to be banked, risk of theft is higher, all these things are a cost of doing business but are included in the targeted margin from sale. Back to investing, see this as a bigger problem for SMP with their business model, perhaps the hit to Tyro is more about the increased uncertainty.
Not a stock I follow very closely. Wouldn't the merchants just pass the processing fee on to customers with higher prices?