Forum Topics SDR SDR Bear Case

Pinned straw:

Added 2 months ago

With Dynamic Revenue Plus one of Siteminders three pillars of future growth, a lot is riding on the success of this new product line which was launched in Aus in September. As a shareholder I think it’s great, as a consumer, not so much.

It appears the Labor government has a similar opinion with Dynamic pricing models coming into their cross hairs for cost of living relief measures.

Australia is only a small portion of Siteminders overall market, however it does highlight susceptibility of the current strategy to government regulation.

Added 2 months ago

I think it’s mainly where prices change once in people’s basket, but if not, seems very anti-capitalist and anti-business.

You would think businesses would be able to price their product for the demand. Are they going to then force louis vuitton to match kmart prices?


Added 2 months ago

I remember giving this a pass over GTK because of the negative cashflow

How wrong am I!

Is there another rule I need to use to see if this is good value or not?

Let me guess - must be the rule of forty...