Forum Topics AVR AVR Bull Case

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Last edited 4 months ago


Commemorative US IPO artwork commissioned by the Pablo E. Bruh Retirement Foundation - November 2024

The US IPO appears likely to go ahead [latest ASX announcement] after the EGM on Tues 3rd Dec 2024 paves the way.

Anteris will still have an ASX AVR tracker but will be a CDI, not a share. I’m hoping Strawman can still track or some exception can be made if it is not costly. @Strawman, I hereby volunteer for the task of manual data entry of daily AVR prices of same. I’m also hereby adverting on this forum for my first personal valet with a diverse skill-set, including data-entry skills.

Let it rain!


Added 4 months ago

Actually, looking at Avita (AVH), which is now also as CDI but tracked on Strawman, this listing should perhaps not be an issue for my Strawman portfolio.


Added 4 months ago

@PabloEskyBruh with the recent drop off in price are you tempted / considering an increase in your holding or are you limiting holding increases to future raises?


Added 4 months ago

Hi @thetjs, I’m high conviction on this. I’ve increased my IRL holding about 150% in the past 3-4 months at these lower prices. I’m fully invested now — I sold some NASDAQ holdings and Bitcoin, both of which I was long on and wanted to hold, but after the ‘Trump Bump’ I couldn’t reconcile holding at those prices when Anteris looks the the opportunity it does to me. The truck is backed up and — if I’m honest l — probably dangerously overloaded.

I’m already maxed out on the 20% Strawman limit.

I’m was tempted to keep some dry powder for after the IPO, and time will probably make a fool of me yet. But, a big part of me thinks it will never be this cheap again.

I have even less doubt about subsequent raises once we churn through the $75 million USD. I think we will raise at multiples of the current price when that time comes.


Added 4 months ago

Cheers @PabloEskyBruh

Ive read your updates on Antris since I came onboard with SM and appreciated the insights.

Personally I’m keen to take advantage of the current price point before years end and the US listing.


Added 4 months ago

Nice one@thetjs!

If you are keen just be aware the last day of trading on ASX for Anteris is Thurs 5th Dec 2024. There will then be a suspension for a week or two. When AVR trades again on ASX after that it will be post NASDAQ IPO and what you will be buying is the 1:1 CDI at the post-IPO price.


Added 4 months ago

Aha! I did not know that.

Much appreciate @PabloEskyBruh