Hi @thetjs, I’m high conviction on this. I’ve increased my IRL holding about 150% in the past 3-4 months at these lower prices. I’m fully invested now — I sold some NASDAQ holdings and Bitcoin, both of which I was long on and wanted to hold, but after the ‘Trump Bump’ I couldn’t reconcile holding at those prices when Anteris looks the the opportunity it does to me. The truck is backed up and — if I’m honest l — probably dangerously overloaded.
I’m already maxed out on the 20% Strawman limit.
I’m was tempted to keep some dry powder for after the IPO, and time will probably make a fool of me yet. But, a big part of me thinks it will never be this cheap again.
I have even less doubt about subsequent raises once we churn through the $75 million USD. I think we will raise at multiples of the current price when that time comes.