Pinned straw:
All three investment houses were behind the IPO and are to some extent obviously selling their book:
Matt Miksic (the analyst behind the $22 Anteris price target) also covers Edwards Life Sciences for Barclays.
Mikisic has also recently lowered his target price for Edwards:
Edwards list a further 28 analysts who cover them - participating in the earning calls and writing them up. This med-tech is big business in the US and promises the type of coverage Anteris was never going to receive whilst it remained solely on the ASX.
I think the TD securities stabilisation process (announced daily in ASX announcements with them buying on market under the IPO price of $6 USD) ends shortly (or has already) and now the post-IPO pump can begin.
Finally, something reputable in the form of the Wall Street Journal. Barclays at a low-ball $22:
Not huge, but enough of a bump to convince me broker coverage has actually commenced. This is the least spammy article I’ve found so far (but it was a low bar):
I’m expecting more mainstream news articles and perhaps even a company press release in coming days. Could take the Australian market a day or two also to catch up. I think there is a bit of runway left just on this news alone (merely broker coverage commencing), let alone the targets themselves.