Pinned straw:
Have owned Pointerra since 21 .Haven't sold as my initial price was 50c a share.
When the price plummeted,was so low, not worth selling..
So waited and waited.
At 10c approx, not excited, but maybe some hope for the future.
Hi Bradbury
Great review. When they reported the Q1 2025 4c, the general market response, or lack thereof, pointed to me being on the ‘endangered species list’. Whilst my wife would disagree with this, I now boast a PHD in Patience.
You mentioned in your post …”Definitely not out of trouble yet as this is only a single positive quarter and with quarters of up to $2.6m of cash burn in recent memory it won’t take much to change.” Akin to the old saying “ One swallow does not a summer make”. I believe there are three swallows out there and confident we are a witnessing a material turnaround. 4c’s are one thing, but the Half Year result (due on or before 28 Feb 25) and the Full Year Financials (due August 2025) are both likely to record an all time record in terms of Revenue, EBITDA, NPAT and the extent to which the Company is Cash Flow Positive.
Those two other swallows relate to the H2Y2024 Financials (deduct H1 from Full year) and the Q1 FY2025
H2FY2024 : With the Program delays continuing in the USA , the Business made a forced but conscious decision to cut Expenses and divert their attention to the other Verticals.
Customer Revenue…….AUD 3.971 m ……(vs AUD 2.447 m in H1 FY2024)
EBITDA……Minus AUD 0.401 m ……..(vs Minus AUD 3.663 m in H1 FY 2024)
Expenses …..AUD 5.225 m …….(vs AUD 5.702 m in H1 FY 2024) …. Consider in the inflationary environment !
NPAT ……..Loss AUD 0.632m…..( vs Loss AUD 4.584 m)
Customer Receivable exiting FY 2024 ……ONLY AUD 0.657 m…..(See comments Q1FY25 4c)
Q1 Quarterly Cash Receipts FY 2025 :
Customer Receipts …. AUD 3.078 m … (Annualised as a Quick & Dirty. AUD 12 m)
The Big Take Out here relates to this number considering the very low Customer Receivables number (as indicated above). Assuming that this Receivables number was collected during Q1, it says that AUD 2.421 m was Invoiced during Q1 and paid for within the QTR.
For comparison purposes, if we take the year prior, the Customer Receivables number came in at AUD 1.833m (nearly 3 times that of FY2024. In the QTR that followed, Customer Receipts were AUD 2.046 m. This was typical of the predominantly Utility Customer Revenue Payables profile and the difficulty to get them to pay.
Think of the customers in the non Utility space. The above points to shrinked payment cycles from these Verticals.
Q2 Quarterly CAS Receipts FY 2025
Customer Receipts ….AUD 4.2 m… so Half Year Cash Receipts of AUD 7.3 m. (This number is 13% higher than the Customer Revenue number reported for the entire FY 2024 period). Furthermore, if you simply annualise the Cash Receipts just achieved in H1 FY2025, you arrive at a number of AUD 14.6 m. Add the AUD 1.18 m R& D Grant (already received) and we have a Run Rate towards achieving Total Revenue of AUD 15.78 m.
We have clear momentum here and the narrative is loaded with opportunity. The Emesent partnership is delivering (impressive Company) and now we have Teledyne as partner. I have a Full Year Revenue target of AUD 17 m ( an increase of 124 % over FY2024. I’m not ruling out a number that flirts with AUD20m
And finally, if I had to give a call on expenses for FY 2025, I’d say AUD 12m. We are onboarding some heavy hitters this month. That said, Randy Rhoda’s left the Company in December as did their Chief Technical Officer. We are likely to see a much higher profile at Conventions, Trade Shows etc.
My two cents worth.
Rob W
@Bradbury . Great writeup. Thanks for all your work. I jumped out of Pointerra about a year ago when it seemed that cap raises were the only thing keeping them afloat. If I remember right, they even had to tap someone close to the business to buy shares at a premium to the then-current price, which was the last red flag for me.
One question about your list of "No updates": I haven't really followed the company closely for 12 months, but wasn't there also some planned operation with Amazon? Something to do with mapping their warehouses? Or am I completely mis-remembering?
Although there was no government rebate, I believe there would have been a substantial payment from DOE. I do not think this will be repeated quarterly. i am also concerned that new US administration will cancel the inflation reduction act, which I think is funding the DOE extension, and possibly some of the other utility contracts Pointerra have.