Pinned straw:
@ PortfolioPlus. I paid attention in Year 4 at school, and remember what happened to the original Kelly Gang.
UlladullaDave, saw your referenced “exclusive interview” with Brett Kelly on Latticework. The interview is headlined: “Australia’s Berkshire Hathway in the Making”. How’s that for starters - just mind-blowing modesty.
Every couple of years the ASX seems to throw up another financial pied piper knob - Kerr Neilson (Platinum Asset Management), Hamish McDougal (Magellan Financial Group), Rob Luciano (VGI Partners, now Regal) + more.
I have no idea of how all this is going to end for Brett and the indoctrinated shareholders at KPG. But for god’s sake Brett, it’s an accounting business. A roll up accounting business. So Brett tells us KPG have an “Owners Manual”. Great. What is KPG doing that any other accounting firm cannot do aside from charging high fees and working the butts off young graduates recruited to the cult?
Brett’s look and demeanor are a reminder of Peter Fitzsimmons. I guess one is telling historical fairytales, the other financial ones and both pumping the retail crowd. At least the damage done by Bandana Boy is limited to a lost afternoon spent falling asleep with one of his puerile novels, or his assisting in tanking a referendum or two.
Brett, even without a bandana is far more dangerous. Get too caught up the Brett cult you risk ruining your retirement.
(Scoonie, you are a just cynical old prick. You will ruin it for all of us. Just in case you didn't get it, you’re an arsehole Scoonie).
Would be the smart thing to do given where it's trading.
Organic growth of maybe 5%pa the rest is from just rolling up more and more firms. US is a big market to continue that as once it's over guess there would be a big derate to 15x PE.
We've seen the rollup story a million times.