FWIW this is the bit I'm referring to where Andrew "dodged" the questions from one analyst about structure of revenue and hence a possible segway to quality of their offerings. Unfortunately Andrew just mentions it is a SAS model, services etc... without going through the nitty gritty.

I also hate Linkedin, but I notice there isn't much activity on Powercloud or any videos where I can get a feel of the product. The only option is to travel to Germany to that E-world 2025 conference.

My conclusion is they are just buying up German, Austrian and CH real estate and doing some cross-selling as mentioned, and not really serious about developing Powercloud.
Don't get me wrong, I'm trying to see if Hansen is better value than say Gentrack as I've been thinking of selling out. But I'm not sure now. This Powercloud acquisition seems to be pretty "cloudy" - excuse the pun". If so, there could be potential writedowns like with CSL and Vifor.
We already saw it with Powercloud Flex and I guess a few brave souls here bought that dip for an arb of a couple of dollars.
Also for an example of "product roadmap", you can go to one of the top-tier enterprise software firms like SAP and Oracle (Yes that most hated software company in the world has a plan for their products so maybe it is a "buy")
They give a roadmap with product versions and features spanning 5 years as well as when current versions get EOL'd. Here's an example I found.
Product Roadmap is something I need to start using when looking at tech companies before diving in...