Forum Topics BIO BIO ASX Announcement

Pinned straw:

Added a month ago

And yet again ... price-sensitive-not-price-sensitive

ASX Announcement

$BIO looking to tap the QLD-based, government funded Australia's Food and Beverage Accelerator to support the development of its recently acquired proprietary probiotic strain.

$BIO already use Australian universities to lead other clinical research programs, so this is simply a smart way of tapping a pot of innovation funds, and tapping Australia's extensive research infrastructure.

Product development on the smell of an oily rag. I like it. But again, it shouldn't be a price sensitive announcement. It is simply BAU. IMHO. We'll see if the market agrees or not.

Disc: Held in RL and SM

Added a month ago

Ha! @mikebrisy I was waiting for your response to this.

BVN has a style, that's for sure.

This really could have been tacked on to another announcement or announcements.


Added a month ago

@Arizona ... I thought about not rising to the bait, as it is getting tedious. I wonder if BVN will get a letter from the ASX to stop abusing the price sensitive tag?

I'll just put it down to the inexperience of the team and BVN's marketing-oriented enthusiasm. I don't mind being kept informed every time they take a bathroom break!


Added a month ago

Up 7% at the open. May be short lived

For now I'll chalk it up to enthusiasm