Pinned straw:
Unfortunately I cant see banks changing there focus away from residential property any time soon. Currently reading "Breaking the Banks" by Joseph Healy (Judo bank founder). Only about a 1/3 of the way through so far but it provides a great explanation as to why the banks are so focused on residential property. It all comes down to risk weightings and profitability. SME lending has about 2-3x the risk weighting of residential property. IE the dollar amount of loans they can write in residential is much higher for the same capital requirement. ROE being the critical profitability metric of the banks means that to not focus on this "low risk" asset would hit profitability of the banks hard.
The author makes the point that this all comes at the cost of available capital for SMEs. If the capital to innovate isn't flowing to SMEs I wonder if this provides part of the explanation for a lack of productivity growth over the last decade or more...
It should also be noted that Judo bank is SME focused so author is talking their book as such with regards to SMEs...
In terms of CBA share price.. Well starting to feel like the baby boomers have finally created their own meme stock to put the younger generations to shame... HODL for that 2.8% dividend yield!
But I still think I will buy some because they are likely to get to 200 bucks by years end ????????????.
My bigger problem is managing mum's portfolio which has some sitting there is massive profit (the ones in super can be sold fine in pension mode).