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Pinned straw:

Added a month ago

The NASDAQ price for Anteris hit a high overnight with a near 4% bump. I went looking for a reason. I’m none the wiser in locating the mechanism (Anteris’ performance on the ASX on Mon 10th Feb had only brought it closer to parity for NASDAQ’s Friday close).

However, I did find this American podcast which CEO Wayne Paterson did with ‘Medical Alley’.

Link to podcast

I was impressed with both the level of detail the audience must be interested in, and just how well Paterson’s trademark patter plays in a US context. He is in his element.

Added a month ago

This bump has gotten a bit bigger quicker than I was expecting. I’m grateful it’s not a sunspot. Still on no real news. Possibly getting to the point where the tightly held share registry (down to about 15 million Australian CDIs vs about 19 million in US common stock) is causing a bigger price movement in the right direction for a change. Much bigger volume on the NASDAQ so probably also seeing a virtuous circle effect as the US money chases the Australian close. I’d hazard a guess also that it’d only be some niche or sophisticated investors bothering with an arbitrage game at this point.

Whatever is occurring, I hope it continues for a while longer…[Cue share price trapdoor].



Added a month ago

The reality of the investors headspace in the small cap space.

**stock that you’ve invested in after hours and hours of in depth research increases by 20%**

’Oh this won’t last’