Forum Topics Welcome to new members!
one year ago

Hi team, we've just re-opened Strawman Premium to new members, so expect to see some new names in the coming days.

If you're new to the community -- WELCOME!

We'll hold an induction session for new members when the open is finished (likely early next week), but if you have any questions in the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can email me directly at or direct message me here on Strawman, or even just ask on our forums.

If you'd like to introduce yourself, or read up on some of our member backgrounds, there's an existing thread here.

Here's to a productive and prosperous year!


3 years ago

We've just re-opened Strawman Premium, and new members will be joining our community over the coming days.

Let me be the first to say a big WELCOME to those who have just joined -- we're thrilled to have you as part of our community!

If you have any questions, or just want to say hello and introduce yourself, this forum is for you.

Once we close the re-open, we'll host a welcome and induction session for new members. But in the meantime, if you have any questions, or just want to say hello and introduce yourself, this forum is for you.


3 years ago

Hi Straw,

I'm a medical professional with a deep interest and curiosity in investing but really only at any depth over the last 2 years. I have a strong interest in small caps/micro caps and a bent towards med tech/biomed but really interested in any business that looks like a good investment.

I wish I'd run into the Strawman while ProMedicus was a smallcap.

Best wishes all



3 years ago

Hi All

It's great to finally make amends for missing the first round of premium membership invitations to Strawman. I'm a lawyer by trade and have been a student of investing since 2019. Look forward to learning from you all and eventually making some meaningful contributions to the discussions (however far away that may be!).




3 years ago

Hi Mark, Gaz & Kev, Welcome all! And to all other new members. Just to let you know - there is a forum titled "Strawman Member Backgrounds" which you can jump to by clicking here - in which many of us have shared as much or as little as we wanted to about our backgrounds. Purely if you want to. No pressure. The original concept behind that particular forum thread was to get an idea of the variety of backgrounds that we have here across the membership - and believe me, there is a LOT of variety here, covering a wide array of industries and other fields.

There's some general discussion at the top of the forum thread - which you can safely skip through until you get to the good stuff. You'll know it when you see it - it's where people give a brief run-down of their own backgrounds, and some discuss what they're looking to achieve either from their investments and/or from their Premium membership.

Like I said, you can choose to share as much or as little as you like, or give it a miss if you prefer, but reading through it is highly recommended, to give you an idea of the backgrounds of just some of the hundreds of members who make up Premium. We're a pretty diverse bunch!


P.S. I almost forgot - @umop3pisdn (which is apparently best read upside-down) very kindly created a spreadsheet with a lot of the main data in it gleaned from that forum thread - which can be accessed by clicking here.