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2 years ago

@scottyp312 there definitely are some high expectations for Calix, all which are still quite away from delivering actual revenue. See the below link for Bell Potters valuation which provides a pretty good summary of the opportunities.

I’m yet to get around to valuing Calix again, but when I do it will be in a manner that @Tom73 carried out awhile back.

2 years ago

Quite a few projects had been cut and need to reapply. Also another company doing something similar for lime manufacturing called KC8 Capture technologies.

From the AFR


2 years ago

To prove Calix is not talking their own book

Article on the full 2022-23 budget that validates the CXL announcement today from a third-party site


Bit unfortunate timing this has happened during the SPP. They will need to reapply for the grant so the amount will be up in the air at the moment.

On the flipside, IPD Group (which I also hold) has been going up steadily mainly due to the emphasis on EVs and EV infrastructure.

2 years ago

@edgescape recently shared an interview with Phil Hodgson on Calix's tech. Another good resource for further information on the technology and company is Calix's own podcast - Innovating for the Earth.

It is internally produced so that needs to be considered, however the series is now starting to progress further from details on the companies history and technology to interviews with current partners. There is one episode with the head of technology from SaltX,(Dated 27 Oct 21) where although light on specifics, it does hint that there could be further things in the works between the two companies. It also expands slightly on the deal from Calix's perspective beyond sharing of the calciner tech to potential use of SaltX technology as a energy storage system for powering the calciner when used for other materials processing.

Episodes so far have been monthly and I hope they produce more episodes like this one in the future with other partners.