Forum Topics LBL LBL Share Price Action

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Last edited 11 months ago

Big(ish) drop on high volume leading into the results - usually not a great sign.

Interested to see if there is anything to it.

2 months ago

Anyone know if LBL has been a recommendation for any services?

The share price move is not odd for the liquidity but yesterday the buy and sell orders were relatively even in number and volume, but today buy's are way over sells... so my guess it's become a recommended BUY.


2 months ago

The Motley fool has not recommend it.

I saw someone take 150 K at 0.695 so i did put an order in for nearly 100 K

11 months ago

That's always a risk with these illiquid microcaps, but I am inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to the long-standing, founder-lead, aligned management team here. Essentially the Hooper family co. that is publicly listed :)


11 months ago

As you say @thunderhead plus honest, humble, non-promotional management that have demonstrated trustworthiness with capital allocation. Exactly the type of management I like. LBL is a large allocation IRL in my portfolio.


11 months ago

something that I find pretty hard and rare to come by, especially in the microcap space.

also, there is very little institutional ownership, which is a plus to me.

11 months ago

Yeah interesting question @Mujo

Laserbond haven't had an asx announcement since March.

Maybe some investors don't like this lack of noise? Or maybe it is insider selling on bad news?

24 August should answer these questions when LBL report!