Forum Topics NAN NAN Trophon Business without R&D i

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Added 11 months ago

Nanosonic added more details about Trophon's business performance by excluding operating expenses related to the development and commercialization preparation of CORIS.


Why is this given now?


11 months ago

@Valueinvestor0909 good pick up, sculpting the c suite bonus imo not a good look

11 months ago

Has someone calculated they are going to lose a lot of personal value if the new product timeline gets extended and it is going to cost a lot more? Does the Board have the power to do this without shareholder agreement? (Presumably so.)

On the face of it, this is poor governance. I would understand having a COO's incentives de-tuned from R&D performance, but not the CEO and CFO.

Innovation performance should be tied to long term inventives. I think this is very odd.

Disc: Not held but on watch list.