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Last edited one year ago

OK, so it is hard to make this post without sounding like I am making it from a windowless room with the walls papered in newspaper clippings and bits of red string going every which way as I pace the floors wearing a colander on my head fastened to my chin with alfoil. And, you know, maybe I am, but here it goes.

This is a slide from Anteris’ AGM in May 2023. You’ll notice one of the partners they list is Montefiore:


Montefiore have announced that three patients have received DurAVR (at least two of which they have performed themselves) during the EFS. They have been happy to brandish Anteris’ name and our beautiful packaging across social media:


Dr Waggoner, who posted about the two Arizona cases today, has a commercial association with PIMA:


The photo accompanying his tweet depicts the DurAVR with the packaging removed or has been digitally altered to blank out Anteris’ logo:


PIMA’s website lists their partners, which includes one very significant TAVR company:


Armchairs sleuths will have already noticed PIMA is not listed as one of the many partners in Anteris’ slide above.

These sort of subtleties may appear trivial, but I think they are indicative of some fairly big power shifts in the alignments of some key movers and shakers in the TAVR industry.

I mean, that has to be it, right?!!


Added one year ago

For completeness, and for the record, I think we are at 4 completed patients in the EFS, the sequence being:

  1. Montefiore, NY
  2. PIMA, Arizona
  3. Mintefiore, NY
  4. PIMA, Arizona

I think the bulk of the remaining 11 operations in the remaining 5 centres will occur before the end of September. This to allow for most of the 30 day data at the TCT conference in San Francisco in the last week of October.