Forum Topics AHC AHC $3.8m order & record order boo

Pinned straw:

Last edited 9 months ago

Austco has announced a $3.8 million contract win across two hospitals in Singapore.


They have also announced this has taken their order book to $40.7 million, up from the $38.7 million announced at the AGM last month. They've been on a bit of tear this year having more than doubled the order book since February this year.

Zooming out a bit the order book has been steadily rising since late 2019, apart from some COVID and supply chain impacts through 2022 and early 2023.


Nice to see at least one of my holdings kicking ass and taking names. I still think it flies under the radar a bit considering its history of profitable, non-dilutive growth. @Strawman have we spoken with Clayton?

9 months ago

I think they need to land bigger contracts to make people notice. I guess any big contract will grow margins more in the process.

But at least AHC have good visibility of demand for their offerings and hence have good forward thinking. As a holder that's reassuring.

9 months ago

He's proving to be something of a white whale @Noddy74

I have emailed him on three separate occasions in the last few months (even dropped @Wini's name!) but he seems to be ghosting me..


9 months ago

Bloody yanks! I'll send him an email @Strawman and see how we go.


9 months ago

Legend, thanks @Wini

Tell him he'll be making a very powerful enemy if he refuses our kind invitation! ;)