Forum Topics 4DX 4DX Capital Raising and Acquisitio

Pinned straw:

Last edited one year ago

Boy, this company sure knows how to kill off any momentum built up in the share price with a capital raising.

This is the second we have had within a few months.

The terms are generous to the institutional buyers not not great for existing shareholders (big discount to the prevailing market price of ~18%, 1 free attaching option with every 2 shares). Existing shareholders don't get an SPP btw.

The acquisition is of US-based Imbio, which is an early stage company which is touted as a "leader" in cardiothoracic imaging. Seems alright, but is this a case of juggling too many balls too early?

Added one year ago

Had a brief look at the Imbio website:

  • Technology looks pretty compatible
  • Not much info on the Imbio sales force or distribution partner capability but they claim use in 15 countries and seem to have a number of US partner companies and medical providers. Also seem to have some distribution capabilities in the UK as well (so another potentially lucrative market)
  • No info on install base or financials but pretty small and very early stage according to Crunchbase


Hopefully this offers a quick way for 4DX to accelerate its sales (with new sales and distribution) now it has a number of the necessary medical clearances in place.

I’ll keep holding IRL and Strawman as this one is a longer term play for me.