Forum Topics Bitcoin and Property
6 months ago

Good luck getting a rental in Perth, even buying a house is mental. We had the same issue in Rockingham on Saturday, so many cars outside we didn't bother.

Just remember if you offer a big slab of cash up front you must be a drug dealer, plus you still need to fill in a myriad of forms. If you don't have a job, buy a caravan!


6 months ago

Hahaha well I am an anaesthetist @Rudyboy so maybe they are taking the drug thing seriously!!


6 months ago

Ahhh, a drug dealer.......tell them you're a FIFO and they'll sign you up in a blink LOL.

Remember the dodgy looking places still have meth sticking to the walls so bring your latex gloves home.

Good luck, personally if you have funds buying is a better option even for a year, the state is flying.


6 months ago

Glad to see Perth is getting in on the property pump again!

Worth noting that it took 7 or so years for Perth property to surpass the highs set in 2014 (at the peak of a mining boom).

As per the ABS, and using Sydney as a reference, it went something like this:


All of which is to say that, believe it or not, property does sometimes go down in value. And the malaise can last a reasonably long time.

In Perth's case, it was something like 15% top to bottom. Sydney's pullback between 2017-2019 was more mild (about 10%) and shorter lived.

Not a disaster of course, and who even cares if you were buying a place to live in and weren't overly stretched in meeting repayments along the way. But anyone who is leveraged to the eyeballs on an investment property, with negative real cash flows, is asking for it imo.

I just hope their folly won't impact the wider economy in any systemically important way..


6 months ago

I can assure you the dump hurt a lot of people in WA, yours truly included. Now there is a very strong ground swell of buying and prices going up and an agent said to me on Saturday "this is the first home open I have done for ages, I was selling everything in the first few days. There is more property coming on the market since last week, but nowhere need the supply for the demand".

We look at the prices and think "tell him he's dreaming" only to find it's gone to a desperate buyer who badly needs a place to live. Then we look at Melbourne and Sydney prices for little shit boxes and think, it's so damn cheap here relative to the lifestyle and within an hour of the CBD.

Homes to $800k moving fast, under $600k there's a pack of wolves at your door who don't care your garage is asbestos and the house is weatherboard.

6 months ago

Hi all, @strawman, just listened to the Motley Fool podcasts this weeks. I was wondering whether your breathing has returned to normal levels. Really enjoyed listening. Having said that, I am still unsure what the right LVR for buying a house is though :-). Have a great week all. Cheers


6 months ago

Incoherent, ill-informed, long-winded, rambling rants are my specialty @Cbcameron

I have to share a quick story following an experience yesterday with a RE agent (I think they worked for R. Sole & Co agency).

So, we inspected a house that looked nice enough online. Unsurprisingly it was very different in real life (shock horror!). Oh well, that's par for the course, so we shrugged it off and left.

Later that day the agent calls me to ask what I thought. I politely said that I thought it was too expensive given the state of the house, but thanked them for the opportunity and asked them to let us know if anything else came up.

They then went on to explain to me why I was wrong and how it was, in fact, an incredible bargain.

Look, there's nothing to be gained from getting into a debate with these people. And given they are the gatekeepers you need to see the bigger picture and avoid any petting point scoring.

But in this instance I had to ask why, if that was the case, no one else was interested and why the property had been on the market for nearly 3 months. I mean, markets can be inefficient and all, but surely such an obvious bargain wouldn't remain in plain sight for so long? Let alone when demand is sky high and with very little stock on the market.

Their response?

"Most buyers are idiots".

My head nearly exploded. I mean, even if that were true, is that the kind of thing you would say openly to a mark, er, I mean prospective buyer?

It took a Herculean effort, but I had the good sense to bite my tongue and just say "you're probably right", thank them for their time and hang up.

Serious late stage vibes. But the top won't be in until we actually buy :)


6 months ago

@Strawmani feel your pain. I am moving to Perth from wollongong for a year and deciding to rent. Going from owning back into the rental market is insane.

4 calls on consecutive days. 1 Enquiry, 2 emails a cover letter. Offered 7% extra on rent with 6 months in advance all in writing. Still couldn’t even get a call back or an acknowledgment of the offer.

Have to try and stay on the good side just in case another comes up is painful.


6 months ago

Best of luck with it @Metis

It's a degrading and stressful experience. I'm convinced the majority of landlords are perfectly decent folk, but these middlemen make it tough.


6 months ago

Talking about stressful

There was a house inspection last week in our street (Lane Cove) which caused a traffic deadlock.

Our street was so narrow that no cars can go in and out and people were parking on the nature strips and other people's driveways.

In the end, the cars that were trying to get into the street for the inspection had to reverse out back to the main road causing additional traffic chaos.

Just FYI, this is the street.


@Strawman To rub salt into the wounds, I think the house could easily go for $3m+. It is small double-brick and not renovated but lots of potential (in fact most of the houses on our street including mine are double-brick). Only 15min drive from city and there is a terminus bus stop so you can be the first person to get a seat on the bus to the city.

40 years ago, houses here would be about $40K


6 months ago

Hahahahahhahahahahahahaha. I think he was complimenting you Andrew. He answered you honestly at least.

Yeah... I listened to that Motley Fool rant. Too real.

Individualise profits, corporatise loss. The prudent get stuffed.