Forum Topics 3DP 3DP ASX Announcements

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Added 5 months ago

Pointerra have updated the market this morning after appointing a strategic reseller for the Middle East region -- specifically to 'resell and implement the Pointerra 3D Digital Twin Platform".

With an initial term of 2 years, the agreement does not contain any minimum sales or revenue targets. It currently isn't material and it is not possible to currently quantify any revenue impact for the company. The update is more noise and unnecessary of a release to the market.

My take: this is likely another classic 'must be seen to be doing something' announcement to the market before releasing another set of subpar results.


5 months ago

The Ian Olsen show continues -- Pointerra have released their quarterly after market, in typical fashion. As anticipated the report is disappointing, with 1.4m outflows.

This leaves them with 1.5m cash in hand, essentially another quarter at current performance. But Ian has again promised cash receipts will improve moving into the next few quarters, which holders would be well and truly over hearing. They have had to rattle the tin again too, with an existing shareholder (the poor sod) contributing 1.04m at 0.8c a share -- a placement of 13m shares. If I am reading this right the placement will be completed after the quarterly, so cash holdings increase to 2.5m.



5 months ago

@Rocket6 - agreed. My picture (below) is a numerical version of yours.



5 months ago

Haha I actually chuckled @mikebrisy.


5 months ago

What on earth is going on? So many words in the glitzy after hours presso so few meaningful numbers and almost no money! Why would someone contribute 8c a share for this? Last hail Mary?

So unimpressed by the after hours releases - why delay, they would have known cash receipts were abysmal last week. And please stop with meaningless announcements before the 4c.

Signed a very very grumpy shareholder.


5 months ago

Anyone understand why a shareholder would tip in over $1m at .08 a share when the current price is .048 and likely to go down tomorrow? They've paid twice the market value.


5 months ago


A. The illusion of confidence

B. less dilution so current shareholders won’t be furious.

C. Founder trusts potential revenue stream is forthcoming? (My optimism dies hard)

D. Founder has so much money and doesn’t really like to keep it, feels a little guilty he/ she might have too much so tries to spend it quickly


5 months ago


Love the shitco combo of reporting after close on the final day, 16 slides before the financials and surprise capital raising.


5 months ago

WHY they are doing the placement is very obvious:


Source: 3DP Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report 31 Jan 2024 (for Qtr ended 31 Dec 2023) [taken from pages 4 and 5 of the 4C]

Because they do not really have any choice - they have zero financing facilities in place (top section, above), and they have less than 2 quarters worth of cash based on their cash burn over the most recent quarter, as shown above, so hope and optimism doesn't cut it; they need cold hard cash just to keep the lights on (and to keep paying the salaries of their employees). They also need to satisfy the ASX that they deserve to be listed, hence the questions that are triggered in the 4C if they go below 2 at question 8.5. The $1.04m raising is probably the very minimum they need to raise IF they can achieve cashflow neutral or cashflow positive during the current quarter, because if they end up with another quarter of similar cash burn (in the current quarter), they are going to be below "2" at Q.8.5 on their next 4C as well even WITH this $1.04m raising, so they are doing the bare minimum to survive as a listed company for another quarter, in my opinion.

As for "Why @ 8c/share??", that's likely because of options A, B & C in @Nnyck777 's post in this thread (a mix of all three). I think the founder does still have confidence that the company will survive and will be worth more than 8 cps in the future, and can afford the $1m. I hope they are right, but I wouldn't touch this company with a barge pole. They just haven't lived up to their own hype. Too many lofty aspirations and not enough sales. Not nearly enough. It's always coming, but it never quite does.

I also think the founder reckons it's worth tipping another $1m in to see if they can get through to cashflow positive instead of burning through cash. If you've put this much time and effort into trying to build a company, and you can afford to give that company a short-term lifeline to ensure it doesn't hit the wall just yet, then I can understand the thinking behind doing this.

Shareholders would understandably be furious if the placement was at the current share price or lower. I think the company will get sold down regardless tomorrow, but perhaps not as badly as if the placement had been priced lower.

3DP appears to not have any current debt (based on their answers to 7.1 through 7.6 above), but if they did have debt, there would often be banking/lending covenants in place, and one of those might be to do with minimum market capitalisation, which is of course based on their share price. 3DP's "Interest and other cost of finance paid" for the quarter was $20K (Q 1.5 on p1 of the 4C, link above) and if that $20K was interest on debt, that would likely be a fairly small loan I would have thought - so probably not very material. But that's one possible reason why the founder (or the company) might be sensitive to a falling share price. Another is if it affects any of their (the management and board members') STI or LTI payments or entitlements.

Another possible reason for trying to keep the SP as high as possible during a CR is to try to avoid the wrath of their shareholders. At this point, they don't have much support left, so they probably don't want to piss off the few supporters that they still have any more than they really have to...

Another thought is that they may have sounded out some brokers and realised that the only way they would get a normal/usual-style CR done at this point would be at a VERY dilutionary price, i.e. well BELOW the current SP, and they found that option too unpalatable. Better to project confidence from the founder (and existing shareholder) and try to instil some confidence back into the stock. And perhaps $1m was all he/she could either spare or scrape together.

It does kick the can down the road for one more quarter, and if this current quarter turns out to be cashflow neutral or cashflow positive - as they have indicated it should be - then this small placement will have kicked the can down the road for two quarters - i.e. through until the end of June, to be reported by the end of July, and maybe that will be enough.



5 months ago

3DP "only" down -10.42% (or half a cent lower) at 4.3 cps at the close today. Could have been worse. Their trading range today was 4.2 to 5 cps. They opened at 5 cps today. Might have been a good exit point. We shall see (I do not hold). They closed very near their day low. It was a rough day for most stocks however, just rougher for 3DP shareholders obviously. IF they survive and go cashflow positive this or next quarter, and keep climbing up from there, then 4.3 cps MAY end up being a really cheap price to pay, but this stock is not without significant risk. I'm not tempted. Certainly not while they continue to fail to deliver on their own guidance and struggle to pay their bills and stay listed.


5 months ago

Great points @Bear77

It seems no amount of assurance is going to change the market sentiment -- what's needed are material and tangible results. fwiw, i do think Ian genuinely believes these are around the corner and I bet there doing everything they can to deliver on this hope.

But, as I'm fond of saying, hope is not an investment strategy.

I retain a very small watching position, but for me to ever again be a buyer I'll need some very good evidence of a turnaround.



5 months ago

On the surface the quarterly looks really bad:

* low receipts

* big cash outflow

* emergency raise for working capital

But if you scratch the surface and dig a little deeper…it’s…..even worse?!

They say we can “expect to improve to operating cashflow positive during Q3 and Q4”…that’s cool…except they literally said “Invoicing and cashflow expected to rebound in Q3 and Q4 FY23” this time last year.

The quarterly contains nothing about cash collected post quarter end, receivables due or chunky new contracts. And the company has never been shy about good news. If Q3 was going to be a big improvement one would expect there might be some positive signs 31 days into the quarter.

Amazon is delayed again (at least they let us know this time) and there was no mention of Entergy grid hardening kicking off. These two programs need to start ASAP to keep the company afloat.

There is a lot of talk about taking cost out of the business and head count has reduced but expenses are still running way too high. The emergency raise buys less than a quarter of runway.

The nature of the raise implies that the cash has been badly mismanaged. It’s like they didn’t realise they were out of cash until they went to fill out section 8.6 of the 4C. Lucky for them Rob (I’m assuming here, but it’s a pretty good guess) had a cool, liquid millie to bail them out.

The only real positive is that the “existing shareholder and founder” took pity on them and gave a good price for the raise.

Q3 is traditionally a strong quarter (I think SAPN, FPL and a few others renew) so the cash should last until end of FY. But my gosh this is going to be tight.

Final thoughts:

At ~$35m market cap, there is huge upside here if they get it right.

Probably more like a call option than an equity now? They are out of cash, the clock is ticking, funding options are exhausted. Looking more and more likely it will expire out of the money.

/end rant


5 months ago

Well said Hendy, it is very sad the spruiking has got the company to this…

i have access to the platform and use it occasionally- there is real value in their agnostic solution though it seems Ian always wants to catch a whale rather than build the base of the business…

5 months ago

You’d expect something like this to be one line in the quarterly. Releasing it as a stand alone announcement reeks of desperation….


5 months ago

@Hendy -- agreed, the market will need a lot more than that if sentiment is to change in any meaningful way.


5 months ago

Yep an announcement like this actually detracts from market confidence in my mind. Not looking forward to the quarterly now, could be ugly