Forum Topics PLY PLY Meeting with Gerry Sakkas

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Added one year ago

@Strawman. Thanks for setting up the meeting with Gerry. The depth of strategic thinking and his willingness to openly share this is quite rare. An increasing number of irons in the fire point to continued momentum going forward.

As I have said previously, he has a 360 degree view of the gaming market, new technologies in Gaming, an intimate knowledge of Playside capability as a business and together with his passion and vision, will most likely navigate a course which proves to be very lucrative for investors. When you talk investing in gaming, RISK is always at the forefront of peoples's minds. Believe we are in very safe hands and being perfectly aligned for current / future opportunity.

For those that missed the meeting, worth a watch IMO.


Added one year ago

Gerry tossed out a couple of names of other games studio/developers. Does anyone remember which ones they were, I forgot where in the interview he said them. Just doing a bit of digging around trying to understand this industry. I could start at EA or Activision but I'd rather a few smaller guys to look at.


Added one year ago

@UlladullaDave We discussed Hello Games (No Mans Sky) and Rovio (Angry Birds) from memory.


Added one year ago

Thanks mate.

Added one year ago

This interview was enlightening. I really need to revisit this stock. I think I have gotten most of it wrong!

Gerry is an impressive guy to hear talk. I'm involved in a start-up, hearing Gerry talk about laying off staff being a failure of scaling is the exact same discussion we had a few weeks ago.

Added one year ago

excellent meeting and well worth a watch. Gerry is exactly the kind of CEO who i like to invest in. Talented, realistic, passionate and long term focused. his honesty was rather refreshing. he is clearly taking this company places. It wouldnt surprise me if playside has a very long runway of growth still ahead over the next 5-10 years. likely to be a volatile journey of course.


Added one year ago

I agree @RobW ,@Silky84 and @Duffshot38, he is one impressive individual.

Still, afterwards I did occur to me that perhaps I could have been less like a gushing fanboy and more balanced... Hopefully someone can offer a good counterpoint to keep us in check!

The current market price certainly assumes a good deal of growth, but I agree they have a decent chance of delivering (and maybe exceeding) on market expectations. BUT the growth will be very non-linear in my view. So yeah, expecting a volatile ride.


Added one year ago

@Strawman , good to do a self review. Thanks for organising the interview. I agree he was pretty up beat and I’m looking to work out where the downsides might be.

I was in and out of the call due to other interruptions but I did get the impression you were definitely a gamer and I’ll be looking out for Strawman on CoD next time I play.

I struggled a bit to keep up with all the different game references but that’s probably my fault for not paying full attention. I’m looking forward to watching the replay and going a bit deeper on this company. It’s currently my #2 ASX small cap performer IRL since first purchase (behind DroneShield) and as suach, one I need to pay a bit more attention to and decide whether now is a good time to add to the position. I do like the way their model seems to have evolved to a bunch of WFH to smooth things out and keep the lights on while they swing for the fences with original IP and deals with other big potential distribution partners (eg. Netflix, WBD etc.) and glad they have the NFT nonsense behind them.

Held IRL and Strawman.


Added one year ago

@RhinoInvestor Playside are still involved in the NFT / Web 3 space and will likely be dedicating additional resources to it going forward as Beanland nears release. See below for updates from the Playside social media team in Jan.




I have been travelling so missed the chance to get questions in for the meeting with Gerry, but will get to a review of the quarterly and meeting in a few weeks.


Added one year ago

Talking to Playside ahead of the talk, I very much got the sense they weren't keen to dig into the NFT stuff during the interview.

I see the Beans NFT launch as a opportunistic play that capitalised on a lot of hype at the time, and they probably genuinely thought it was something that had potential going forward. It worked out very well for them, revenue wise, but given how the market has evolved I don't think they see a big future in NFTs at the c-suite level.

I'm sure they will continue to support things in order to honour earlier promises, but that's probably all that they'll do.

Added one year ago

Just watched it myself and i wish there were more Gerrys running my other investments. A bit like @strawman I can get a bit sucked into too much positivity about a company after a meeting but Gerry is the perfect kind of CEO for me. Fully engaged, focussed on the right things, open and honest, plenty of skin in the game and just getting on with it. Happy to be a shareholder.