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Pinned valuation:

Valuation deleted

Added one year ago

@Bear77 I hope you are right and they can shoot the lights out ... might claw back a small proportion of the losses that I'm still carrying from $SBM.

DISC: Held IRL (not in SM)


Added one year ago

Yeah, SBM turned into a dumpster fire @RhinoInvestor and I've now moved on from that crystalised loss (real money lost rather than just a paper loss). At first I felt bitter towards Raleigh for driving such a hard bargain in relation to SBM's Gwalia and other Leonora assets, but then I turned that around and looked at it in the fresh light that I would expect him to do what he did if I had been a GMD shareholder, and then I became a GMD shareholder because of the SBM transaction and decided to add to that position because I figured GMD was probably going to be the best growth story in the sector in Australia for the next few years. I parked my emotional response and looked at it logically, which takes a measure of self-control and seems to go against our own gut feelings at the time, but it was the right thing to do in hindsight.