Thanks Occy. I have been working on it now for 7 odd year and recently came across a new method.
Remember however that nothing is fool proof. (thats a mistake I have made before)
Theres also many tools I use. There are many factors that need to be lining up to push me to the buy side. All the factors also need to be uncorrelated. I do have some dog positions, though they are small.
I still keep an eye on them for news or price action that confirms a move to the upside or some excitment over it then re enter. Im really only perfecting my methods and discipline now and still have plenty to go.
Its a real fluid thing to be in. As you know a company can be doing well and the stock tanks (usually sentiment of the wider investors). In the end its always the buyer and sellers that rule what happens, not the company. If they dont buy then the company hasn't convinced them. So sentiment around the stock rules for me and that showns up in price movements.