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Added 11 months ago

Not exactly a new announcement but a couple of weeks ago Janelle Delaney one of the new board members bought another 100 odd thousand dollars on market through her super fund. This takes her total share count to close to 3.3 million, about 300k. 200k in super and 100k in her own name. I don’t necessarily think we will have an amazing quarter of sales this quarter however she is obviously looking long term and believes in the new CEO’s direction.

On a side note: I have been reflecting on why I’m so bullish on this stock. I think I want a simple solution to a complex problem. That is you stand on a SOZO and get your body water content (Intracellular, extracellular and total body water) objectively handed to you at any given moment. In the current context this is being used for lymphodaema but has so many more prospects in the cardiac and renal (kidney) space as well. My long relationship with fluid and fluid status of patients starts 14 years ago.

  • Young me as an intern on my renal term. Hot shot professor that scared the living daylights out of me standing at the end of the bed asking me if a patient is fluid overloaded (too much water in extracellular spaces) usually due to heart or kidney issues. There are essentially 3 main ways we assessed it.
  • Look at the JVP (jugular venous pulsation) notoriously subjective and used by seniors to make junior doctors look stupid since the beginning of time,
  • weight changes
  • peripheral or sacral pitting oedema (press over bone in your leg and if it pits down and the skin doesn’t come back its fluid). This is what SOZO could replace, the completely subjective assessment of fluid assessment and management, which drives medication changes on a daily basis.
  • Moving on to anaesthetics training and the PTSD that came with the exams. 10min broad short answer questions such as:
  • Discuss the physiological responses to administration of 2 litres of Hartmann’s solution intravenously over 1 hour to a conscious, healthy, euvolaemic 70kg adult
  • Outline the determinants and regulation of extracellular fluid volume
  • Explain how oxygen supply to organs is maintained during isovolumic haemodilution
  • Now dealing every day with fluid balance in mainly the acute setting which is different from the chronic setting SOZO is used in currently.

This I guess is my background of where I’m coming from with this company.

SOZO’s 1st commercial case use; detecting Lymphodaema early (extracellular fluid where it shouldn’t be in the arm) and allowing early treatment rather than waiting for a tape measure and symptoms to come along. Then extrapolation to other markets in the heart failure and renal space, as well as pharma wanting machines to test drugs with(already provided meaningful revenue). Do i think the clinical implications could be huge? Yes. Is it too simplistic? Maybe. Does it give an objective reproducible solution? Yes.

Am I just wanting a simple solution to a complex problem? And do I have too much confirmation bias? Maybe.

Now just to work out if this new board and CEO are actually going to deliver on this lip service… That I find so much harder.

Added 11 months ago

Insider Buying at IPD

When the new board took over at IPD, they mentioned in their first meeting that they would buy stock once the blackout period was over. True to their word, all board members have either bought or held onto their existing shares.

As @Metis pointed out, Janelle Delaney has made a significant purchase, accumulating 300K worth of IPD stock over the past couple of months.

However, the shareholdings of the remaining directors are relatively low:

Ms. Christine Emmanuel-Donnelly

  • IPD holding: 26.6k shares (tenure: 6 months)
  • Other directorships:
  • PNV holding: 610k shares (tenure: 3 years)
  • MVP holding: 34.5k shares (tenure: 3 years)

Mr. Andrew John Grant IPD holding: 27.6k shares (tenure: 6 months)

Mr. McGregor Grant IPD holding: 191k shares (held before the board split)

Dr. Parmjot Bains IPD holding: 2k shares

While it's positive to see the board purchasing stock as stated, I consider some of the holdings a pretty low conviction stake.

Added 11 months ago

@Metis I appreciate your professional insights into the Sozo product. As an outsider looking in, it seems to have a clear use case - replacing subjective measurements with accurate ones using an easy-to-use device seems like a no-brainer. 

So yes, I share your bias that adopting the Sozo platform is a good idea, resulting in better outcomes for patients, starting with Lymphedema and with opportunities to expand its use case.

However, where I have a big question mark is in the long-term adoption and implementation of the product and system. In a slow-moving medical organization, many other factors come into play, such as budget, ROI, clinician-patient workflow, internal champions to drive adoption within the system, etc. You would be more aware than me of potential roadblocks in the system for change and adoption to happen. I am weighing this risk of failure to capitalize on the tech and implementation as pretty high, or at least until I see some evidence of the new management team gaining traction.

In a previous post, I referenced a webinar from Impeded on 3/3/23, where the headline read "the best big idea is only going to be as good as its implementation." 3/3/2023

I guess what I'm trying to say is that despite a product/tech/workflow having proven efficacy, it is no guarantee of adoption and commercial success.

As you noted, it is over to the new board and management now to show they can drive adoption and capitalise on the NCCN guidelines

I see this as the key point to watch going forward.
